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Biblical knowledge unfolds

1 year ago

1/25/24 a church in Connecticut collapses. It was pro LBGT. There was no wind, no earthquake, just calm. What was under it? What hat op?
My research on the Golan hights. Yes, I added that to this. Because I want everyone to see / hear it.
Ron Wyatt talks about the blood of Christ.
Juliette Bryant a victim of Jeff Ebstien talks about reptilians. She saw him turn into something.
Jesus is real. But so is evil.
We don’t comprehend anything really. Because of miss translations or flat out lies. You must have a open mind to see the big picture.
I think as we share these things. And as things expose themselves. We are finally getting the whole picture.
God wins. God is real.
Yet so are demonic beings. ET’s, reptilians, draconian demons.
Ones the world knows the truth. Light shines on evil. Evil can’t survive in the light.
The mind control will be over. And thus,,,, the people will be free spiritually.


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