Eternally Immanent

5 months ago

Eternally Immanent:
A Poem

Searching for the Protagonist beyond the story—
The Subject not bound to book, poem, or verse—
The Word unrestrained by voice, ink, and history—
The Meter keeping time across the universe.

Searching for the Reality outside tangible things—
The Truth unmeasurable and self-contained—
The incomprehensible Movement from nothing—
The Giver of law and Fulfiller of law all the same.

Searching for the God of eternal immanence.
A Who not made of gold, or stone, or imagination—
Not chained in a temple, pampered in impotence,
But an uncreated Love condescending to incarnation.

There is immediacy in the Creator of eternity.
Seek that ye may find shelter in the Trinity.

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