Before the Wrath

8 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will have dreams and your young men will see visions."

- Joel 2:28

One of the universal theological issues among all Christian groups: cessationism versus continuationism. This is the debate, where the Gifts of the Holy Spirit were relegated to the early church; until the death of the Apostles or continued on to this day.

The Charismatic movement itself is continuationism. It's a movement because it isn't limited to those churches that are, officially continuationist but can also be found in denominations that aren't typically associated with the theologic frame work.

As far as the person in the video. This isn't an endorsement of her or whatever she says. It's merely an opportunity to test to see if she is legitimately gifted with prophecy. All Christians are to test to see if those that claim to be prophets, actually are, due to their accuracy. More of which can be found in the link below.

Those seeking to see more material from this individual, the next link will provide the means to do so.

With all that covered, it's not a surprise by those who've been part of this platform, for some time but those that do not know; there is this push to control the internet. With all that is going on in the world, it shows the vital need for platforms like Rumble.

Rumble is one of the only two video sharing platforms that are free speech. You won't get censored and will be able to view the opinions and information that you won't get anywhere else. The other platform being:

If either one of these are lost; the capability of accessing reliable information; will be harder. That's why one must seriously make an effort to assist with making Rumble and the other liberty supporting platforms, a big success.

To fully grasp the seriousness of this issue, the videos linked below is important to examine but also share with others.

An important element to keep in mind, the speaker in the last video; before he became a technical news commentator and later an online personality; he worked as a New York City police officer and later had a career in another law enforcement agency, under one of the segments in the Department of Homeland Security. Needless to say, this isn't from someone who has no clue as to how the system works, instead he was one of those that enforced it.

The most recent turn of events; further deepens the travel towards a full blown Banana Republic. Unfortunately, the very agencies sworn to protect American laws, are turned against law abiding citizens.

With freedoms being quickly taken away, it's imperative to do all one can to preserve what's left; which includes little things, such as supporting various platforms that upholds liberty. The easiest way do so, is to simply get on the platform; on a regular basis and to be active on them.

Being active only requires that you would support the various content creators you enjoy, by subscribing to their channel and putting "likes" to videos or blogs.

It might seem frivolous and insignificant but it helps all those involved. Doing such, boosts the platform itself and the content creators as well. This allows both the platform and content creators to have a larger audience, especially if the material goes viral.

For those that create or simply provide content; it's important for them because it is the main factor that will continue to motivate those individuals to keep doing what they do. There are those that will read that and think, "pride." That might be the case for some but there are plenty of other people, where it's an issue of time and investment.

When it comes to the numerous video channels out there, they are a plethora of them; like grains of sand on a beach. It's easy for channels not to get any notice and are merely drops of water in an ocean; in terms of an audience. As such, no one wants to feel like their efforts are time wasted.

Jesus even says to use our time wisely and if these owners of channels feel like they are wasting time; they are simply being sensible with a resource God says to be good stewards over. There have been many people who have tried Rumble; coming from different video sharing platforms; simply to stop because they were popular else where. To see the impact of supporting a channel, look at the video in the next link:

Giving support, by spending only a few seconds to put likes and subscribing to a channel; is what will continue to allow the followers to see new material. By not doing so, don't be surprised when there's no new videos on the channel because it's dead and it's been abandoned by its owner.

The tie in, with supporting the various channels on a platform and it's impact on it; when members view, put likes and subscribe; online analytics companies such as GlobalData, BoldData, Infotanks Media, etc., get hired by big corporations to provide the data collected from various online platforms, to see how active they are.

All of the activity guides the corporate executives with their decision making process; as to whether they should pour in large sums of money to a platform. What people get for free, such as TV and radio broadcast, as well as the numerous free access to online platforms and apps; all of it is done so by corporations going through this process; from viewing how active a particular medium is and how many people are part of it. To fully grasp this concept and how much money online companies are making off you, the next link is an eye opener.

Supporting the various platforms in this manner is absolutely free and takes little amount of time and effort. Those willing to take it to the next level; share the platform and/content with everyone you know. The link provided below, adds additional ways to help any video sharing platform and social media. These principles could be applied to the various platforms that you're already part of.

When it comes to Odysee, a great channel to subscribe to:

Thomas Sowell is very well educated and can clearly articulate the strengths and beauty of traditional values. His channel is a great way to start off with Odysee.

Another way to assist with the success of any platform; report any problems you encounter. Everyone hates a glitchy online experience, so letting the developers be aware of problems, is very helpful. Any ideas you may have, is also a great way to aid in making platforms soar. To contact Rumble:

For Odysee:

Anyone willing to actually put out money to support Rumble, they have an online store:

Their merchandise isn't the best. If it were, it wouldn't be recommendations that someone does but rather they would be must have items because they're absolutely stunning. Simply look at the logo itself and you'll be under amazed at their product esthetics but buying them does two things: 1. Direct financial support. 2. Advertising of their platform.

Rumble would have much more merchandise success, if they got a top-notch graphic artist. Take for example their shirts, getting the designers from:

Having an artists that can create something on the same level, like that found in those shirt companies; would have their material fly off the shelves. That is why getting a talented artist would be a worth while investment. If they changed the logo to something similar to:

Any number of which, from font to logo changes, similar to what was listed; would enhance the marketing of their merchandise but I digress. Getting back to the core issue.

There are two important videos that will make major shifts with the current state of lawlessness. By making the two videos below, go viral; it will help expose aspects to the major headlines, that the average person isn't aware of. In doing so, it provides huge legal challenges, that would make these videos: first, bring awareness and second, useful in various legal pursuits.

Since everything touched on is centered around electronic mediums; it's also important to address the issue of online security. Along with the practical aspects of protection from cybercrime (according to the Department of Justice, 1 in 4 people are victims of identity theft); there's the continuing trend of being like China; which warrants serious consideration.

The resources below addresses major security vulnerabilities; covering multiple aspects of device and personal security. The first to bring to light is a channel, which you should be subscribed to. That channel provides up-to-date online security for devices to software.

The next item is physical device protection.

One has to be aware of the fact that most people that use web browsers, use ones that are NOT that secure. Any number of them can be hacked by a skilled hacker and steal any information off of it. That's why it's important that all devices that have a web browser; replace them all with a secure one. Currently, the most secure are:

Those wondering about Chrome:

Chrome simply happens to be popular but it was never due to it being secure. With revelations that have come out concerning "popular" items being made so by corporations paying people to boost the popularity by promoting it, via host of a news program talking it up to making fake reviews; it wouldn't be a surprise if Chrome had that same treatment.

A critical factor with online security is having a very good Virtual Private Network (VPN). Simply put, without a VPN, anyone with the right equipment can simply steal all your information from your online activities; right out of the air. VPN creates an encrypted barrier that makes it difficult for anyone to steal that data. VPNs also hides your IP address. That's important for those with children so they can't be located or those living in dictatorships and simply saying the wrong thing can end up badly for them.

There two factors that determines which is the best to use: the difficulty with breaking the encryption and the other, the data that is stored by the VPN companies. Unfortunately, most of the well known, commercial VPNs have the encryption part but the storing information is a big issue. A few years ago, a huge VPN company got hacked and people's data was stolen. The only two companies that currently provides strong encryption and no record of data are:

Those that are interested with furthering privacy and security, can purchase a router with a VPN built-in to it, where a VPN on all online devices and router; makes it nearly impossible for anyone to discover any personal information.

It's also good to have a secure search engine. DuckDuckGo was a solid, secure search engine but recently changed their policy where they record your activities and went the same direction like every other Big Tech company. More than likely, a result of the lure of money. The safest search engine is currently:

A big vulnerability with devices is what's known as bloatware. These are pre-installed apps that come with your device but not essential for proper function. Oftentimes these apps will run in the background and send your usage data to their companies. To get rid of them on PCs or laptops, are fairly easy but for smartphones, they are impossible without the proper app:

Those looking to make smartphones as secure as possible:

Unfortunately this operating system (OS) can be installed on a Pixel phone. For all other androids:

It's important to know, when it comes to security rankings, Apple is the least secure device. Apple performs better than Android, due to their strict quality control standards. Simply put, they expect the smallest amount of glitches with apps or not going into the store.

Lacking in glitches, isn't a testament to device security. An out of the box Android is more secure than Apple but with either one of the OS linked above installed on a device; it makes it top of the line.

At this point, it shouldn't be a surprise to know that most messaging systems aren't secure. The pre-installed text system; unless messages aren't an area of concern; a third party provider is necessary. One has to also be careful of some of the most popular ones that are advertised as secure, isn't.

Signal is considered the standard for general privacy and security. The only point of vulnerability is user anonymity. A person must use their phone number to create an account. Those who are uncompromising with their privacy and security, will get a second for Signal.

Session is a secure system, without any problems with viable threats. It is important to know that the only drawback to Session is that it's a "no thrills" platform.

Element is a secure platform. Only drawback, adapting to their systems configuration.

There are no security issues but the drawback is it's glitchier than other systems.

Telegram is of course one of the wildly popular apps, that also bills itself as a secure messaging system. It's more secure than some of the other popular "secure" platforms but it has serious flaws.

The group chats aren't private, despite having what looks to be the appearance of such. In group chat, the term for private means only authorized individuals can be part, opposed to anyone joining in. Telegram can actually read and see any material in group chats.

By default, the one-to-one chat isn't encrypted. The individual must activate secret chat to engage in a protected conversation. It also should be known that encryption provided has been hacked before and isn't as strong as the previous mentioned apps.

For those interested in securing PCs and laptops with the most secure OS:

Additional resources for online security:

In closing, it's essential with all the things covered; to focus on the most valuable of all actions to do; which is prayer. For God is real and He does answer prayers.

Pray for the issues that concern you. Also pray for the success of Rumble and Odysee. That their technical team can find and fix all glitches and that the developers would make their platforms an incredible success.

Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question, greatly appreciated. With the Woke movement being the way it is, I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.

Anyone that gets blessed by the content posted but isn't signed-up with Rumble; consider doing so under this channel by using the link below.

If the referral section is blank, please copy and paste:


Thank you for your consideration!

Post Scriptum: In the "Show More" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.

(DISCLAIMER: All videos posted within this channel are for educational and historical purposes only. Under the auspices of the Copyright Act of 1976; under section 107 of the copyright disclaimer; all material within this channel is posted with the aforementioned purpose.

All parties involved in the creation of or having some assemblage with the video, as well as all those mentioned; within the description section here, including links; does NOT constitute any acknowledgement, agreement, support or any connection to this channel or content made by the operator of this channel.

Furthermore, this platform or anyone associated with said entity; does NOT necessarily agree with or uphold the views expressed by the operator of this channel. All views and opinions are strictly done so by the operator of this channel.

Permission is granted in the use of written content; which has been constructed by the operator but the utilization of the videos themselves; permission can NOT be granted, since they are NOT owned by said operator. Only that which is authorized by Copyright Act of 1976 and the guidelines in which is given; is what is allowed, in terms of videos.

All material revolving around or related to: health, food, supplements and related scenarios; is not necessarily U.S. Food & Drug Administration approved and as such, inquiries concerning health issues, as well as any related issues; should be sought by qualified experts. Any financial suggestions given; should be examined before taking any steps, for there are no guarantees of outcome).

Help rekt the system of ctrl and abuse by the ieleet

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