A Thriving Spiritual Community | Nehemiah 11:3-24

4 months ago

Nehemiah 11:3-24

CALL OUT: To Brian Harper, one of our subscribers and partners from Cookeville, TN. Thank you for your service to the kingdom!

Verses 3–24 provide a categorical listing of the 3000 who settled in Jerusalem and the number of each group that moved back in:

The children of Judah (Neh. 11:4–6)
The sons of Benjamin (Neh. 11:7–9)
The Priests (Neh. 11:10–14)
The Levites (Neh. 11:15–18)
Some other groups (Neh. 11:19–24)
Even if you don't understand how to pronounce every name on this list, like me, we learn a couple of things: First, the believers who moved into Jerusalem lived together and not in separate divisions within the city. Second, believers with different skills would work together to serve God and the greater community. Essentially, we have a church of 3000 people who formed a spiritual community dedicating their working lives to God.

Of all the things that occur in this book, I wish I could have been a part of this because I think this is something we all want. We long for mission, community, worship, and service with a higher purpose. This experience is the full use of our time, talent, and treasure for a purpose that is greater than ourselves.

And if you are thinking to yourself right now, "Vince, this is hard to find." I don't disagree. It is.

But it's not impossible. I believe this still happens, and it is all sparked by one willing, prayed-up, passionate man who will step in sacrificially and live his life on a mission. That's how this book began. Nehemiah, called by God, was obedient, and his continued obedience led to this very experience. Two months later, a city is rebuilt, worship reinstituted, policing is established, enemies are fought off, recommitments are made, and 3000 people move back into the city.

So, if your family, church, or spiritual community is not thriving today, you have a clear path and plan. And the path is not complaining about it. The plan is scripted right here in this book. And I know a little secret that some do not. The same God that worked out Nehemiah's path and plan is working today. The only thing God is looking for is one willing man who will step up and do it.

#NehemiahCommunity, #SpiritualUnity, #TogetherInFaith, #ChurchAsOne, #GodsPlanInAction, #MissionDrivenLife, #WorshipAndService, #BiblicalLeadership, #BuildingSpiritualWalls, #FaithfulObedience


Reflect on your current spiritual community or church. In what ways can you contribute more actively to foster a sense of unity and collaborative service, similar to the community in Nehemiah 11?
Considering Nehemiah’s obedience and leadership that led to the rebuilding of Jerusalem, how can you embody these qualities in your daily life to positively impact your family, church, or community?
DO THIS: What do you need to do to foster and build spiritual community?

PRAY THIS: Father, grant me the wisdom and courage to embrace unity and collaboration in my spiritual journey, just as Nehemiah led the people of Jerusalem. Help me to use my talents and strengths in serving You and building a strong, faithful community around me. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Build Your Kingdom Here.

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