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Men protect women.

1 year ago

Here’s a story: a couple years ago, I was chased by a homeless woman (I’ve actually been chased by homeless people on two different occasions, all in the last couple years). It sounds funny but at the time it wasn’t. I was walking, because I didn’t own a car at the time, and it was in the middle of the pandemic. I could feel this woman lock onto me from across the street. I sensed it. Sure enough, she’d soon crossed the street and was yelling. Eventually I realized she was yelling at me, but I didn’t let on. I kept my head forward and kept walking. She started following me, and the man she was with followed suit. She walked faster; so did I. She ran; so did I. There weren’t any stores around, but I knew a park nearby so I ran there. Like I’d suspected, there were people—including men—at the park.

Not one person, not one man did anything to help me. They all just stared. This woman was screaming that I was a “white b****” and that she was gonna eff me up. I was clearly in distress and running, but nobody did a damn thing. Even though it was two women, not one man stepped in to even try to diffuse the situation.

That really stuck with me. I felt incredibly vulnerable and alone and frightened, and it hit me like a ton of bricks that you can’t rely on good people around to help you or do a damn thing.

Now it’s my failing for not having a CCW at the time, and no man OWES me his protection, but it was a time that I really needed a man to step in. Even the dude this homeless woman was with, didn’t stop her. The situation could’ve ended up much worse, but still, it stayed with me.

Again, imagine it’s your wife or daughters, fellas—just taking a walk or eating lunch outside. What would you want your brothers to do? Nothing?

Men and women both have a responsibility to stand in the face of fear and to do the right thing, and men have a further responsibility to physically stand up and be on the frontlines. If you/we don’t—for fear of false imprisonment, death, or persecution—then the tyrants win. The people destroying society, men and women, gender roles, families, etc.—they win.

It needs to be said: NOT ON OUR WATCH.

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  • Amen! Jesus Christ died for my sins, and I'm definitely not worth it. I'll never ask a woman to fill out a form so I can determine if she's worth my time and trouble!

  • Man are getting weaker since the 70s. Man hot weak, vein with no courage. That’s why the whole society is weaker. Very dangerous for human race.