5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Using Linux

1 year ago

Hi, how are you. So let's look at 5 things I wish I knew before using Linux. This is changing, and developing to be less true.
However, as of the moment, these are 5 things I wish I knew, so let's go.

## Lack of Popular Software
So this is changing slowly and has been changing but it's still a ways of yet. One example I have is an issue I actually came across recently.
I had to write a report and normally I use Microsoft office word because it allows for the creation of nice and professional documents.
If you are a design engineer who uses AutoCAD then you're stuck somewhat with what you can use.
Same goes for the likes of Photoshop as well.
There are also games like Fortnite which relies on anti-cheat software. Which won't run on Linux at the moment.
These are just a few apps. This is a price to pay for early adoption of Linux.
This is slowly getting better but as of yet, it's still an issue worth noting.

## Too Much Choice
This is something which I still struggle with, not like an addiction. Jesus that sounds morbid.
"This is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Getting my fix, from the next distro..."
Yea anyway, I see some main YouTubers posting videos about this and I genuinely don't think it's for views.
It's like walking into a toy shop, but all the toys are free. I can take them all home.
That's great at the start. But it dulls the blade, so to speak.
Not knowing which distro to go to, or to use on a regular basis.
If you are just starting out, stick with Pop!_OS It's probably the most beginner friendly, stable and popular at the moment.
But yea, too much choice.

## Learning Curve
This isn't just a Linux thing, it's a life thing. Generally when learning to use something new there is a learning curve.
The learning curve for Linux can be variable, depending on which distro you choose. For example, don't use arch if you are just starting.
Stick with one of the main distros based on Debian or Ubuntu to start with.
It takes a long time to become familiar with a Linux OS and the only way to stick with it is to keep using it.
The learning curve is steep but once you are at the peak/on the way up it begins to be more fun.

## Accessibility
Becuase of the fact that Linux is free and open source and because most of it's software is open source, it's freely accessible to anyone.
Not just accessibility to the OS and software itself. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Once it's installed you can install whatever you want and break everything. It's a tinkerers playground if you have that kind of mentality.

## It's Okay to Be an Idiot.
This last point is probably the main point about using Linux.
If you are a newbie or a hardcore expert who has been using it for years.
There is always something new to learn. And the best way to do that is by allowing yourself the freedom to be an idiot.
I still know basically nothing about Linux and constantly am hit by imposter syndrome when I make a video about it.
The best way to learn is to break shit.

## Conclusion
So those are 5 things I wish I knew before starting to use Linux. Some of this you have probably already heard. That's fine.
Let me know what you wish you knew before starting Linux with a comment below and yea, alright bye!

Here are some links to the videos I mentioned in this video:
Engineer Man - Rick Roll: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWihl19mJig
TechHut - Perfect Linux Distro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtY_KPgHCWE&t=310s

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