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Non toxic air fryer

1 year ago

I FOUND ONE!! A toxin free AIR FRIER! I’m slowly transitioning my home to a toxin free one (within reason. We will never be free of everything unless we are off grid) but I’m going to take control of what I can! Finding an air frier has taken me the better part of a year! The only ones I could find were the toaster oven looking ones with stainless steel which I HATE. Or the glass bottom ones that get screaming hot on the outside. I’ve got kids so that’s a NO. Plus you can see all the grossness in the bottom because BE HONEST, ain’t nobody cleaning the damn air frier after every use 😏! Last night at Walmart I saw this one… Drew Barrymore’s new Beautiful appliance brand and thought 🤔 huh? She’s kinda crunchy I wonder if this is toxin free? A quick google search said it is in fact toxin free and has good reviews it’s also on sale for $69! And comes in multiple colors on line!

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