4 months ago

Groundbreaking tumor treatment technology receives FDA clearance
Jan 13, 2020

Israeli medical device company IceCure plans to significantly extend its U.S. operations with its cryoablation technology to destroy benign and cancerous tumors by freezing. One America's Stephanie Myers spoke with the CEO of IceCure, Eyal Shamir, who explained how this is a significant achievement for the company and how the technology works.

Dr William Makis Warns That Covid Jabs are Causing Chemo-Resistant Turbo Cancer

At this moment, I am VERY angry.
The PRIMARY video is not showing under my "CONTENT" files > "ALL" or "VIDEOS"!
Someone is F- with them, trying to CENSOR cancer treatments that claim to cure, OBVIOUSLY *because* they work!!!
So, I'm going back through EVERY video and adding the link into the descriptions. GRRR!

Jan.20, 2024

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