Freeing the World From Our Judgments

7 months ago

February 11 - Freeing the World From Our Judgments
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Today I acknowledge that I cannot understand the whole of Creation’s plan through the little peephole of the ego’s perceptions. Realizing this lack of full understanding, I am thus relieved and released of judgments that I truly cannot make. Freeing the world from my judgments I thus free myself. And now all I now look upon reside once again in peace where they belong. Today I choose to leave Creation free to be what it is. I honor all parts of it and the choices they make along their journeys. In doing so I also honor myself, because since we are all One, when I learn to honor others I remember to better honor my whole self. The more parts of myself I choose to honor, the greater my light will shine, and the more the sense of peace will radiate from me. Those that today recognize the light in me will do so because they will remember it as their own. Today let us together stand tall, shine bright, as judgment free as possible, and serve as examples of the torches of peace in Creation.

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