4 months ago

Nowadays, the cost of living is at an all-time high. Many people, due to their stressful lives, bills, & other financial obligations, are finding it difficult to have any money left for saving, after life’s expenses have demanded their hard earned money. In this video I share with you a simple ( but somewhat time consuming ) way to begin generating extra money. This extra cash can then be placed into a savings account.

Another great way to begin saving extra money is to save at least 10% of everything you earn. This may not sound like a sizable enough chunk of money to merit placing into a savings, but little steps toward a healthier financial future can amass great rewards in the long term. Therefore, when possible, make sure to save at least 10 % of all income that you generate. You can even start a side hustle dedicated entirely to saving money. Instead of only placing ten percent in your savings, you could alternatively place 50-100 % of your income in your savings account with a designated side hustle intended with the sole purpose of generating extra savings 💴.

I suggest starting an eBay store & getting serious about it. This may seem like a daunting task at first, but I can assure that if you start with a basic goal of listing 10 items, you will see just how easy it is to begin listing things and turning them into a steady income stream. A quick tip for those considering doing this: make sure to have an up to date cellphone that’s capable of high speed. This is because eBay is much easier to get proficient at with the use of the mobile eBay app. Using the dot com on a pc will work, but it takes much longer to list items. Once you try doing both, I think you’ll understand what I mean.

An eBay store takes almost no time to set up, and the profit returns that you can begin generating from taking the time to set up your own unique store is well worth the effort & the time. You can begin clearing out your home & garage of those items that you've been wanting & needing to get rid of, & instead of throwing them in the trash, you can begin making money off of them. Remember the old adage " One mans trash is another mans treasure. " This is indeed true. When I first started my eBay store I cleared my room of all the things I did not need, placed them on eBay, & was surprised when the stuff started selling fast. When I ran low on items to sell, I would go to second hand stores, goodwill, Salvation Army, multiple thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, Craigslist & other classified for free ads, etc. The only one holding you back from making more money is yourself. Invest your time wisely & begin to generate more money!

Always try to remember the equation that spending money is more fun that saving money. If you can keep this in the forefront of your mind, & not give in to the feel good feelings of impulse buying, and start saving, you will change the equation overtime, & begin to enjoy watching your savings grow more than the immediate gratification of buying things out of whim. You want to begin investing in your future. Don't you want options? Land, a home, etc? Don't you want to own your own property? This will not happen if we don't start approaching money and saving it in a more healthy fashion. We just need to change how we interact with and view money. It's that simple. Over a period of time, if you do all of this properly, your savings will get bigger, & bigger, & bigger, and the amount of contentment, satisfaction, & pride you get from this is far superior to the alternative.

Just a quick tip. Select, sign up for, & establish a separate bank account dedicated entirely to saving money. Do not use this account for anything other than saving and not touching the cash that is put into this account. To be honest with you, I find it much easier to save $ this way. When I place money in my spending account, and simply transfer it to the savings account connected to that spending account, it's much easier to transfer money from the savings to the checking account to waste it. By placing it in a separate, protected account, it's easier to not touch it. I use CHIME for my checking/spending & VARO for my Savings. Both of these are free banks with quick start up & great perks. There are no hidden fees & these 2 banks have been total game changers for me.

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