Starmer insults our intelligence over UK attack on Yemen.

8 months ago

Keir Starmer must think we're all really stupid if he thinks we're going to buy into his latest lies, trying to justify war with Yemen!
Right, so Keir Starmer and his rancid dishonesty, the man who can’t lie straight in bed, lies like a rug, has a list of lies to his name longer than Mr Tickle’s arms, has after offering his assent to bombing Yemen last Friday, denied that that counted as military action! That’ll come as some comfort to the families of the dead Houthis from that ‘inaction’ then, accidently walking into a Paveway IV missile was it? Well that was just careless of them it would seem. So why make such a blatantly untrue statement about the UK’s part in following Genocide Joe into battle against the Houthis in Yemen on Thursday night then? Well what happens when a liar becomes unstuck by their own lies? They have to make a bigger lie. And that is exactly the position Starmer found himself in and like all liars, he kept lying! But when your lies are contributing to genocide and mass loss of life, why the hell would you vote for such a person to run the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer came unstuck this weekend, as his old lies caught up with him and so he had to make up some new ones and all of this was to excuse him as the leader of the UK opposition, not opposing the Tories yet again, nothing new there, but on this occasion it was to back Sunak up by saying he agreed to support Sunak in joining in with the US attacking Yemen, because those blasted Houthis were a threat to Israeli shipping and frankly there are no depths Biden won’t sink to right now in order to keep supporting Israel, despite them having been halfway through their genocide case being presented at the Hague at that time, brought against them by South Africa.
Now Starmer came unstuck on Laura Kuenssberg’s show on Sunday over the matter of his support for military action against Yemen, because when you say stuff to camera in this day and age, people keep the receipts, even stenographers like Kuenssberg are capable of that and the reason this has become such a moment of ridicule for Starmer, goes back to when he first became Labour leader, was still full of promises and pledges he hadn’t yet broken, back in 2020 as this was, when he said:
‘I would pass legislation that said military action could be taken if first, the lawful case for it was made, secondly there was a viable objective and thirdly you’ve got the consent of the Commons.’
A lawful case for military action, a viable objective and parliament having voted to give assent to such action. That was Keir Starmer’s position in 2020. Therefore by giving his personal support to joining the US attack on Yemen, he’s failed on all three of his own points. Making a lawful case for this would be unlikely to stand up in court, when Houthi actions are in order to force the end of a genocide, very much against international law and a ruling from the International Court of Justice is expected on this soon, but how can it be unlawful to take action to end ethnic cleansing as the Houthis have? Surely they are upholding international law where the US and UK are abusing it?

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