I talked a bit to much.. Oh well! | White Bread Recipe

1 year ago

#homestead #homesteading #whitebread #baking #canadian #ontario #kamlander

Hello everyone!
Welcome back, I hope you are well! In this video I will share my basic white bread recipe(I do not remember where I found it) and I also explain a bit of what I do, and what this channel's intent will be!
I hope you stick around!

White Bread: (2 Loaves)(900G loaves)
Stand mixer is best, but you can just do this by hand(I have)
-2.5 Cups warm water
-3 TBSP sugar
-7 G yeast
-1 TBSP salt
6.5 cups SIFTED flour

Mix 2.5 Cups warm water with 3 TBSP of Sugar, and 7G of yeast. Mix, let sit for 5 mins, or until yeast is foamy looking.(I usually cover it for 5 mins)
In this bowl, add 3 TBSP MELTED Lard, 1 TBSP of salt, and 4 cups SIFTED flour. I use all purpose flour.
after mixed, add ANOTHER 2.5 cups, sifted flour until mixed well.
Kneed the dough on a floured surface until in a smoothish roundish ball, and let sit in the bowl for 1 hour with tea towel on top.
Take 2 Oiled bread pans (I use salted butter, up to you!), and split the dough in half, as shown in the video. Roll the dough into a bread like shape, and place in oiled pan. Cover, and let sit for 40 mins, WHILE this rises, preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
After 40 mins, put tin foil ontop of pans, and bake the bread in oven until done.
I usually go for about 1 hr, sometimes a bit longer, just go until you feel it is ready, i bake until the top is brown like. Take out when finished, and let sit for a bit, before you take them out of the pan, and let sit to completely cool.

I hope you enjoy this recipe!

Thanks for watching!

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