Offer Others What You Desire to Experience

5 months ago

January 26 - a daily inspirational commentary by James Blanchard Cisneros. Together, let us gently awaken the world.
The ego’s world has trained us so that when we first look at, think of or meet people, we judge something about them. It could be the way they dress, their physical appearance, the way they walk, what they say, or hundreds of other things. The ego does this because its main fuel source is judgment. The ego uses judgment to try to separate us from each other, so that it can have us to itself. We sacrifice all this time and energy to the false idol of judgment, and then complain about how judgmental this world is. Today, instead of first judging people as the ego has programmed us to do, let us retrain our mind to first offer them our gratitude. How would our day, and thus life, begin to shift and change if we first blessed and were grateful for everyone we saw, thought about or came into contact with?

Today, understanding that we are all One, doesn’t it make sense to offer others what we would like to experience? Everything that we offer others, be it through thought, word or action, must first flow through us. Thus, what we offer others either poisons or nourishes us. Free will offers us this choice in every moment — to poison or nourish, to hurt or heal, and to lift us up or bring us down. Today, let us practice choosing in alignment with our loving nature, and experience the blessings that come from these efforts. When judgment about another tries to pollute your mind, recall that we are all God’s children, all forever worthy of His Love and support. Then simply do what God, Love, would do. Today, gently place aside the ego’s demands for judgment, and ask Love to lead you back to the state of peace.

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