You Are Never Alone

8 months ago

January 23 - a daily inspirational commentary by James Blanchard Cisneros. Together, let us gently awaken the world.
You may sometimes feel lonely, but you are never alone. God is always with and within you. Even in what seems like your darkest times, God is just a thought away. In any moment, choose to focus on and value the thought of God’s Love over the ego’s thought of loneliness, and you will feel the Divine’s presence embracing you. It is what you focus on, in any moment, that you end up experiencing. As God’s creation, you are forever worthy of being one with your Source. God is Love and All. So how could you ever be not loved, alone or apart from All? You may have bought into the ego’s false concept that God lives in a far away place, or that God becomes available only to those who deserve Him, or that you can only encounter God after your death, or hundreds of different tall tales. None of these false concepts are true.

Today, let us remember that, because God is Love and All, we could never be alone in truth. Feeling alone is not a function of a mathematical equation. It is simply a sign of someone who has forgotten their connection to All That Is. When we are not in alignment with the truth in us, yes we could feel alone, but even then, we could never be alone. Today, let us stop reinforcing the false narrative that we could ever be separate from All. Let us stop investing our time, focus and energy in a mindset that tries to separate us from our All-Loving Source. Instead, let us now invest this time, focus and energy on becoming a representative of Oneness, of Love on Earth. We can do this by listening to what aspect of Love the moment is calling out for, become and share that aspect, and by doing so, help remind others that they are not alone.

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