❓How much probiotics should you consume?

5 months ago

❓Anonymous asks: "Is there any health concern about drinking kefir water regularly and frequently? Concerned about wrong or too many probiotic."

As much as everyone wants rules for this, there simply aren't rules. It depends on YOU and your body and what YOU need (or don't need).

Yes, I teach fermenting and probiotics, but that doesn't mean everyone should have them or the same amount.

If people have too much probiotic *for them* they end up feeling worse instead of better.

It *is* possible to have too much of a good thing!

To figure out how much you can have, keep your diet very simple while you're testing.

Then pay attention... are you getting headaches or sleepy, not feeling well, not sleeping well, or having digestive distress?

The probiotic culture might be brand new to your gut, so you might have to start small and adjust over time.

If you're having too much or too frequently, you might feel worse. And that's a sign to slow down or potentially NOT have it.

That's right, I said "or NOT have it".

The beauty of Eat God's Way is to find the right combination of foods and nutrients for YOU.

It's not: you have to eat this or that.

Instead, our Eat God's Way recipes and methods use high-quality whole foods along with cooking methods from Bible Times that make *whatever foods you can eat* more nutritious and digestible. And delicious.

If you or anyone you know would like to learn more about Eat God's Way and how it might help you and your family get healthier and happier... save money and time... without giving up your favorite foods... or forcing you to eat things you hate or that make you feel not-so-good...

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BTW it's not a set of rules. We eat this way to say "Thank you, Lord." To give Him glory and honor His creation by embracing the foods He designed for our nourishment. 🙏🏻

God bless you! 🥰

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