eastern Orthodoxy: every day is a holiday that conventional people dunno about

8 months ago

have yawl ever seen ag sneeze
i'm not sick i promise
i had body aches n a scratchy throat for 2 days
maybe my immunity is good, i wonder why
i missed out on xmas but yawl know how much i hate holidays
if it's negative it ain't comin from God
if my Bishop told me this...
but this is also tricky cos the devil is very sneaky n the unsuspecting public is hardly ever conscious of this
on time every time, so the opposite of ag
i feel sorry for truck drivers cos of this
i'm pretty sure that they still do shady stuff regardless of all these so called regulations
they can always fool the public, see: war on drugs
war ON DRUGS, yes exactly
don't they already do this, amy
they could just give em aderall
remember those bath salts
i've been doin sooooo many rants about sheep as of late, sorry if it gets redundant
everybody's wrong about this if they chose technology, they all believe in abortion or suicide, whatever you wanna call it it's destroying civilization
i didn't choose that cos i don't agree w/ smartphones
CLASSIC ag...hangs up phone
i know i know i'm not supposed to be using my phone
i can already judge myself thank you for your concern
it's not good to be on the phone, driving around, it's annoying for anyone
it typically is a bill collector which is why i hung up
all these people talking are sheep
people always get so defensive about this one
that phone has too much power
i'm looking at society as a whole not people on an individual basis, don't get offended you pussy
i am passionate about this cos it's social suicide
they don't wanna see it this way cos of how reliant they are (as well as EVERYONE AROUND THEM)
it's annihilating society quietly
this is what sober mind means to me
that's literally why it's called an I phone
gender's been out since the seventies
the shit they complain about is a little late but it's a chance to stroke their ego
maybe it does n i am just wrong
i don't like to be vindicated by society
they never wanna talk about what's really driving anything bad
i would prefer to have less jokes about society yawl
the long n short of it: people are mad that other people make different decisions
i will keep stressing that all you mfs believe in relying on technology so that shit brings you together in a way you can't even see
no denying what i'm saying, don't even try
artists do what makes sense to us rather than trusting society
i have a hard time believing it's a problem if it led me to God
i don't want yet another mentally ill woman to have kids

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