116. Dr. Jane Ruby
Today I talk with Dr. Jane Ruby. She had just had a lawsuit against her dismissed. You’ll never believe who was suing her and why she was being sued.
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116. Dr Jane Ruby
Dr. Jane Ruby: [00:00:00] Many people over the course of the months I witnessed and observed through social media would direct questions to Robert Malone and they would say and ask him, why are you suing Dr. Jane Ruby? She's done nothing but warn people for three years. She's brought forward evidence from other experts and scientists about what some of these shots contained.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And his answer was always just sort of a rote kind of, uh, because she committed malicious defamation, malicious defamation. Well, he's also accused me, Dr. Sam, of committing cyber stalking because he did a sub stack on his, in his sub stack account, educating the public to what cyber stalking is. It's actually a, uh, a Title 18 felony.
Dr. Jane Ruby: So he actually accused me, he, he defamed me by accusing me of committing a felony. Um, so we'll have to see how that shakes out.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Doesn't dinner sound great as it's cooking? [00:01:00] This dinner is from Riverbend Ranch, which always provides prime or high choice. Has never been given hormones, never been given antibiotics, never been given mRNA vaccines.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's raised in the USA. It's processed in the USA. In fact, it's fully vertically integrated, which means that they own the cow. It gives birth to the calf. It's raised on their fields and then taken to their butcher and then shipped to you. And if we compare. What we can buy from Riverbend Ranch to four other major state companies that sell bundles that have ribeyes and other meat in it, it can be as much as 184 to 59 less expensive.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's a great price value and it's a delicious piece of meat. Check out My Clean beef.com/afterhours. That's my clean [00:02:00] beef.com/afterhours, my clean beef.com/afterhours.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you've noticed I've been wearing this t shirt for a few episodes now, I have them available on eBay. Check out the links below to get your size.
Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. On this podcast, you'll be encouraged to question everything
Nurse Kelly: and to have the courage to stand for the truth.
Nurse Kelly: And now to your host, Dr. Sigoloff.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, thank you for joining me again. I first want to give my Patreon supporters a shout out. Uh, we have Too Tough at the 30 level. We've got the Anonymous Family Donor at 20 and 20 cents. We have the Plandemic Reprimando level at 17 and 76 cents with Ty, [00:03:00] Charles, Tinfoil, Stanley, Dr.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell, Brantley, and Gary. We have the 10 self made level with Kevin and Pat and Bev. We have the refined not burned at 5 with Linda, Emmy, Joe, PJ, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Ken, Rick, Mary, and Amanda. We have Addison Mulder giving 3 a month and Frank giving 1. 50. We then have the Courage is Contagious at 1 a month with Jay, SpessNasty, Darrell, Susan, BB King, and Caleb.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Be sure and check out MyCleanBeef. com slash after hours to check out the best steaks that I've ever eaten. Also, if you're interested in one of these t shirts, I'll have some links down below. My next guest is very special, Dr. Jane Ruby. Now, if you've never heard of her before, please check out all of her stuff.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: She's been huge in this field, and we're very blessed that she's able to give us some time today. Now, you have some big news of what's been going on. You recently have had a lawsuit dismissed, is that correct?
Dr. Jane Ruby: Yeah, thanks [00:04:00] for having me, Dr. Sigaloff. It's always great to be with you. I'm honored. Um, yeah, we, you know, about a year ago, Uh, the self proclaimed inventor of the mRNA shots, uh, and, and he says that he is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine.
Dr. Jane Ruby: So when people criticize me, I want to say, Hey guys, he said it, not me. Uh, Robert Malone, he jumped into my telegram and started arguing with my followers last year and, and started a strange string of accusations. of things that never really happened. And so to my surprise, uh, by January, he had sued me for 25 million in defamation.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And he sued, uh, Dr. Peter Breggin, who's a total angel and a warrior in this movement. Um, and his wife, Ginger Breggin, they're both great, you know, podcasters and authors and just incredible human beings. And he lumped us into the same lawsuit. Well, You know, we, even when you're innocent, you have to spend a lot of money and a lot of resources to defend [00:05:00] yourself.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Um, so we've been spending a lot of the last year, uh, working with lawyers and we had a motion hearing with the judge. Uh, by the way, Malone sued us, uh, even though I'm a legal resident of the state of Florida and Dr. Breggin and his wife are legal residents of the state of New York. We were all sued in the state of Virginia, which meant that we had to have two sets of lawyers.
Dr. Jane Ruby: So. Uh, this past Monday, the December, one past December 11th, are, were our motion hearings in the Federal District Court of Virginia, in the Western District, and the judge, uh, who's a very seasoned senior judge, a Clinton appointee, I might add, you know, federal judges are appointed for life. But seemed to really get the, the case, um, dismissed it officially right then and there at the end of the hearing.
Dr. Jane Ruby: I mean, he didn't even wait to write an order or anything weeks later, which he could have done. That's within his purview. [00:06:00] So he dismissed it for the Breggins and myself, all three of us. Um, no jurisdiction and there was a lot of discussions. Uh, Dr. Sam in there about the merits of the case as well, and in his minute memo, our minute order, which came out several hours later, he's going to follow it up with a major order.
Dr. Jane Ruby: He mentioned that it was dismissed on both jurisdiction and merits. So we're pretty pleased. And now he is entertaining our request for some consideration on. the legal fees to be, you know, remunerated back to us because he cost us many, many tens of thousands of dollars. Um, for me, almost a hundred thousand dollars.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And I'm sure the Bregan's quite similar and he cost us a lot of money for what was a frivolous lawsuit. Okay. So
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: some of us don't understand legalese. Um, but what is merit? Sure. Thrown out for merit and thrown out for jurisdiction and what's the difference there?
Dr. Jane Ruby: I wasn't, I'm not a legal expert, but I became like a mini, kind of a [00:07:00] mini expert just to get through this thing in terms of what my lawyers taught me.
Dr. Jane Ruby: We filed two motions after First of all, when you're sued, someone files what's called a complaint with a capital C. That document, you can put anything in there. You can accuse anybody of anything. Then we have the legal right and obligation to file what's called a response. And in there we cited case law and we cited reasons why the accusations were unfounded.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Then Malone chose to file what's called an amended complaint, where he embellished the false accusations. I say false because that's by virtue of what Judge Norman Moon, federal judge decided on Monday. Um, so then we filed. Motion hearings, you have to be heard on these this paperwork. And so that was originally for September 26, just for everybody's edification.
Dr. Jane Ruby: But at the last minute. Malone wrote to [00:08:00] the judge and said his lawyer got sick and could he have three months to get another lawyer? Well, the judge gave him 30 days and the, he directed the lawyers to get up to speed and get this on the calendar, his calendar before the end of the year. So that became December 11th, which was last Monday.
Dr. Jane Ruby: We filed two motions and so did the Breggins. We filed a motion to dismiss. In other words, we want the court to move to dismiss on personal jurisdiction. I'm not a, Uh, Malone's argument was that I directed the, whatever the alleged insults were to him in Virginia. I don't have a Virginia show, I have a national and a worldwide show and it's easy to verify online.
Dr. Jane Ruby: So we filed a motion to dismiss on the jurisdiction, meaning that the court, the courts in Virginia have no jurisdiction over me, uh, to, to, to be adjudicating this case. And then the second motion we filed was called a motion to dismiss on the merits. The merits are the actual, um, accusations. [00:09:00] And whether they reach the threshold of, uh, uh, defamation, which I knew from going to three law firms last fall and reviewing this stuff up into like January, February, all three law firms said there's, there's nothing that even begins to reach the threshold of defamation.
Dr. Jane Ruby: But the. The second motion was to dismiss on those merits, meaning there's nothing here. There's a failure to state a claim, a real legitimate claim. And that's what this judge dismissed both of those motions,
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: right? Cause my concern with the, the jurisdiction is could he bring it back up another jurisdiction, but if it was dismissed for the merits, now that seems like a much better reason to have it dismissed.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's like you have no argument. You need to leave
Dr. Jane Ruby: order right now, whether. The judge can only control, I believe, what happens in his district, the Western District of Virginia. I'm told by our legal counsel that [00:10:00] the reality is Malone can refile a new lawsuit and sue me in the state of Florida, where I am a legal resident.
Dr. Jane Ruby: He can also appeal this case. above judge, the federal court judges. I don't know where you go. I don't know if there's an appellate division. I don't know how Virginia courts are structured, but he has that option. Personally, Dr. Sam, I think that would be a really foolish thing for him to do because I think he lost a lot of credibility.
Dr. Jane Ruby: In the public eye for filing these lawsuits against people like the Breggans and myself who've done nothing but fight for health freedom, the ability to ask questions scientifically and medically, and the ability to warn out of our expertise, fellow citizens, not, you know, not to take these untested experimental shots.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Right. And you know, you've been a guest on my show. And, and the Braggins have been a guest on my show, and y'all are just all salt of the earth people. Like, and truly in reality, you know, you're people that I want to [00:11:00] associate with. I'm not saying that I don't want to associate with other people. But, it just, it seems to say something about the character of a person willing to sue someone else who's supposed to be.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We're all trying to find the truth, if I'm not mistaken. And if, if there's some missteps and some accidents here and there, it seems like it would be best to have more grace, um, than what we've seen from some people.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And, and you know, that's a very good point. Many people over the course of the months, I witnessed and observed through social media would direct questions to Robert Malone and they would say and ask him, why are you suing Dr.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Jane Ruby? She's done nothing but warn people for three years. She's brought forward evidence from other experts and scientists about what some of these shots contained and His answer was always just sort of a rote kind of, uh, because she committed malicious defamation, malicious defamation. Well, he's also accused me, Dr.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Sam, of [00:12:00] committing cyber stalking, which I don't know if he really understands this, because I think he does, because he did a sub stack on his, in his sub stack account, educating the public to what cyber stalking is. It's actually a, uh, a Title 18 felony. So He actually accused me, he, he defamed me by accusing me of committing a felony.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Um, so we'll have to see how that shakes out, um, after we get the resolution on the, the legal fees. But, um, I think he should be a little more cautious about what he accuses others of, of doing while he's suing good people. In what is supposedly his side, but I don't know if it's his side anymore.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You know, it makes you begin to wonder, you know, what side is what side?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I think I said this back when I was
Dr. Jane Ruby: on your show. If I have a disagreement, go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. I was going to say, when I have a disagreement with someone on my side or [00:13:00] in the health freedom movement, I take it up with them. I call them, I hash it out and. I don't sue them, but he jumped right to the lawsuits and, you know, Dr.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Breggin got very ill. I'm sure you know that in the beginning of the year, uh, with, with, uh, he was hospitalized with respiratory infection and flu and so did Mrs. Breggin and, um, it took, it took its toll on us, but we're really happy that it's over.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And one thing that I, I had mentioned, I think back when I was on your show and when I was on the, the That Bragan show is one way that you can use to differentiate and figure out are people seeing the whole truth or is there something else that's preventing them from seeing all of what's going on is if they talk about the lipid nanoparticles, because in my research, and it seems like the M.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: R. N. A. Is half or less of the problem, and the M. R. N. A. Is at least half of the problem, maybe even more.
Dr. Jane Ruby: It certainly, um, seems, seems so. Um, I know from [00:14:00] interviewing a Canadian emergency room physician, Dr. Daniel Nagassi, I'm not sure if you've had him on your show. Uh, he's a brilliant man. He was, um, he was stripped of his ability to, practice in Canada for using ivermectin. But he's also a molecular biologist and he recognized early on that the lipid nanoparticles were super dangerous and that the codes, the synthetic modified RNA codes that were being, you know, distributed through these shots was actually changing the human genome.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And I think when people realize, uh, what's been done to them, they're going to be very upset. And the reason I tie that together is because when he was on my show, he told me that. In the early part of like, like 2022 or late 21, he was on a zoom call, he found himself on a zoom call with Dr. Robert Malone and that Robert Malone admonished him not to talk about recombinant DNA, the processes that continue a damaged genome to go into subsequent transplantation.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Generations [00:15:00] and I found that really shocking. So I'm not sure who he is, what team he's on. And I just think that, um, the American public is wondering the same thing after these lawsuits.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We, I mean, we should explore every avenue of how it could cause damage. Cause the, the sad thing is we don't know a thing.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I mean, there's lots of speculations and there's lots of theories, but we really don't know because we don't have the time and the research to show us yet.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Yeah. And you know, I've done a lot of work with Sasha Ladapova, who was originally from the team with Dr. Michael Yeadon called Team Enigma. And this was a group that came out early. They had a lot of incredible information. And Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. By use, by, with the work of Craig Pardecouper, who is also in Team Enigma, all of them put together that how bad is my batch?
Dr. Jane Ruby: And when you look at that, statistically, physically, what they were able to deduce was that we don't know what's in these shots on any given day, in any geographic [00:16:00] location, uh, they could switch it up. Uh, because they, Pfizer apparently negotiated with the EMA a 50 percent leeway of nondisclosure, which means they don't have to tell you what's in 50 percent of it.
Dr. Jane Ruby: So the danger, the evil, I mean, it's just, it's just unfathomable.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They don't have to tell you what's in half of it. That means they could not tell you what the mRNA is, or they could not tell you what a lipid nanoparticle is, because it's about half and half.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And equally as bad, they can switch up the contents anytime.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And never have, apparently, any obligation to notify oversight or regulatory bodies. I mean, that's the, that's the big problem, Dr. Sam. The world of pharmaceutical drug development that I spent 20 years in, there were, there was, there was, there was fraud, there was corruption. I could see it internally in these companies.
Dr. Jane Ruby: But there was tremendous oversight. Uh, there was regulatory [00:17:00] compliance that was, You know, imposed on companies, and I worked across seven companies in 20 years, and like I said, I could see sort of the sleight of hand and getting away with stuff here and there, but for the most part, you know, we had, you had to have informed consent, you had to have human subjects review boards, you had to have full disclosure of your contents, you couldn't change the color on a label, on a box, without getting an approval.
Dr. Jane Ruby: You had to submit everything back into the FDA, so something has definitely changed. And I've learned a lot from Sasha Latipova in terms of her documentation and Catherine Watt that what's changed is those regulatory bodies are now part of something very evil going on like the DOD and others that are manufacturing and distributing these poisons.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's interesting, you mentioned the DOD and what Sasha Latupova has been exploring. Uh, but there was this, uh, fragmentary order number five that came out. And in there, I'm going to have to paraphrase it because I [00:18:00] don't remember the exact verbiage, but it said something to the effect of, at least is what I thought it said, for about a year.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I read it multiple times a day for about a year. And it said that commanders must ensure there are adequate supply of FDA approved vaccines. But in reality, when I finally got out of my head and read what it said on the paper, it actually said DOD approved vaccines.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Wow. What does that mean?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that came out in 2021 about how the commanders had to ensure that there was adequate numbers of DOD approved vaccines. And it's not an accident. They have lawyers pour over these orders to ensure that there's not some accident like it says DOD when it should say FDA, they meant to say DOD.
Dr. Jane Ruby: That's right. That's right. So, you know, she came out early with that information that this was really a D. O. D. run mass genocide operation, uh, was really [00:19:00] impressed with the bravery of you and Dr. Pete Chambers and Dr. Teresa Long, who were the original D. O. D. Whistleblowers, um, that you had the courage to do that because that's going up against a pretty, that's, that's a pretty big Goliath, even for Goliath standards, uh, but I just wonder, you know, 2023 seems to have been a year where, um, the, the grifters, the frauds, the phonies, the operatives, the controlled opposition, that whoever is in those camps is really outing themselves and showing themselves for who they, who they really are.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And I just hope that it's not too late. You know. Yeah.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I hope there's more truth that comes out over this time and not just about the shots. I mean, I read an article just recently on the Epoch Times about statins increasing your cardiovascular disease. We're giving it to stop cardiovascular disease or to reduce it and it's actually doing the exact opposite.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I mean, there's an article from the American Heart Association written in part by them from 2012 that said, if we lower your [00:20:00] LDL with statins, it increases your risk of AFib. It's like, well, well, that's a good way for cardiologists to keep getting business.
Dr. Jane Ruby: It sure is. And you know, it all goes back to the fact that pharmacy, pharmakia, pharma, you know, pharma, pharmaceutical is really a creation of the Rockefellers and some of these other Kabbalists right from the beginning that they took control over the medical system.
Dr. Jane Ruby: I happen to be a cardio, a cardiopulmonary nurse practitioner, and I've seen thousands of people. Struggle on statins. Uh, statins are, they damage the motor and sensory systems, you know, in the body. And most people have difficulty, even after a few doses, but usually after a few months of walking. Uh, they, they, they can't go up and down stairs.
Dr. Jane Ruby: I've, I've taken family members off and said, do me a favor. [00:21:00] You're not going to die of a cholesterol laden, plaque laden heart attack in three or four days. So humor me and stop your statin, right? For three or four days. I had an uncle who came off of an airplane with my aunt in a wheelchair, and then after he got to, he was visiting my mom, and, and after he, I took him off the, I said, get off that stuff.
Dr. Jane Ruby: It was probably two to three days later, he was running up and down the stairs, he was vacuuming, he was doing all kinds of fun things, and we took a video, like a FaceTime, and showed his, my cousins, who are adults, live in California, they were blown away, and, A lot of these pharmaceutical drugs, you know, just if you listen to the obligatory disclaimers at the end of the TV com, you know, commercial, well, it'll cause your blood, your head to explode and, you know, your ears to flow with blood and this and that.
Dr. Jane Ruby: But other than that, contact your doctor if you have any allergies and it's like, what? So the, the blessing to all [00:22:00] this, Dr. Sam is that the truth is coming out. As you said, hopefully more truth comes out. The lies that we've all lived under. And, you know, maybe a resurgence and a re education of, of natural medicine that was kind of stuffed down by these, these greedy, you know, rich, the same people that own the Fed, you know, that own the Federal Reserve, these private families.
Dr. Jane Ruby: They took over medicine and they pushed it through what was called the Flexner Report. Abraham Flexner wrote a report back in the late 1800s or something and said, Hey, medical education should be in universities. Well, yeah, because that's how they could flood money into it and control it and control the curriculum.
Dr. Jane Ruby: So it doesn't surprise me now in retrospect that many physicians said to me during the course of my treating patients as a nurse practitioner, when I would question them, they'd say, well, you know, you can take those vitamins, but that's, you're just gonna get expensive urine. You know, they put [00:23:00] down natural remedies and minerals and supplements and things like that.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Not to say that you can't have snake oil and quacks in the natural realm, and people have to be very careful right now because a lot of people are coming out with that, with that, with snake oil to make the money really fast, but we need a re education and a resurgence of natural Medicine, you know, medicinals, herbs from the earth and things like that.
Dr. Jane Ruby: I think, that's my opinion.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: No, I agree with you. I think, I wish I had a better education on herbals. Uh, because I've had some opportunities where I can get a native license and do native medicine. But I don't know any of that stuff and I, and unfortunately I don't have the time to learn it. Uh, I wish I did because that's how they treated things.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's how we all treated things before we had pharmaceuticals. We used plants as medicine. And I think that's a great use of them. They're either a medicine or a poison depending on the dosage. And I think that's what plants are best for.
Dr. Jane Ruby: [00:24:00] Amen. I totally agree with you. Yeah, absolutely. And so I think if there's a re education across medical and nursing providers, um, maybe you don't have the time because your life is going in different directions and all that, but some can.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And we can all get started, you know, and then help educate and edify each other. And that's my hope. You know, that, that starts to happen.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, and I'm working on the education part. It's just, it's slow. It's, it's not like I have the time I had in med school.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Of course. Of course. But, you know, you have the foundation of medical school.
Dr. Jane Ruby: So, when you relearn, I think, through the natural, Uh, processes, uh, and that kind of education, it'll probably start to flow and it'll be faster for you to pick it up. That would be my expectation.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And the biggest thing I notice is what we put in our body every day, um, has a huge impact. Let food be thy medicine.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Amen. It's the food. I just, um, did an interview actually with [00:25:00] a, uh, very sophisticated, uh, food co op down here in South Florida. And in other words, they use grains that are sproutable, right? So you can sustain yourself on many different levels. And they're putting this together. They've been doing it for years, but it's kind of like they've been doing this and waiting for a, you know, a calamity like what we're going through now to happen.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And boy, they're going to be at the forefront. So I've told people, look for, look for farming co ops, look for local, you know, farmers, and let's start supporting them because they don't take money from big pharma and big, you know, whatever, big everything. And that and then if we mutually support each other, they'll be there for us and we'll be there to keep them going.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And then we can get off the grid of the big grocery stores.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Right, and if you have those relationships with those people, like, Hey, I know farmer Bill, and I buy from him every week or every other week. They know you, and let's say something happens to the dollar and we go to some digital [00:26:00] dollar. Now you, you know someone and they're more willing to barter or trade with you for actual food items and other useful items.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And in fact, he named four things that would likely become the new currency. It was the obvious are gold and silver in small pieces so that you can use them as an exchange. Um, seeds, sproutable seeds and grains and ammo. Those four things are going to be the only meaningful exchange currencies. And, and I think they're developing some of those gold backs.
Dr. Jane Ruby: They're actually, it's, it looks like, like, Paper or metal, like paper thin and they're made of gold and it could be kind of the new currency because they really are, you know, we'd be back to backing currency with real gold and silver. Remember that? You're probably too young to remember that, but I remember seeing dollar bills that said silver certificate, [00:27:00] you know, amazing.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, and yeah, and silver is likely on, you know, I'm not a financial advisor, all that good stuff, blah, blah, blah, silver is likely undervalued at this point right now, and if gold starts running. And that just means that the dollar is tanking. And so it's a good way to hedge
Dr. Jane Ruby: investments. Absolutely. And I think we, I think, I think a, a collapse of the Federal Reserve would probably be painful in the short run, very short run.
Dr. Jane Ruby: But I think it would be a great thing for our country, or whatever's left of it. And even it would be great state by state. Definitely. My opinion. I'm not a financial wizard either. And I'm not an expert, but. That's just my observation as an American who's right. Don't take our advice on that, but, but go seek out someone's advice.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Who's an expert on it. I hope we, you know, stimulate people to do that.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, Dr. Jane, it's always a pleasure. I know we both got things to do here. Um, you're much more busier than I am, but I truly appreciate [00:28:00] you giving me. Your time.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Yeah, and thank you for reaching out and for being so supportive in, in the Malone lawsuit and just supporting me as a friend and a colleague.
Dr. Jane Ruby: And I really appreciate it. You've always been there and anything I can do to support you, you know, I will. And does everybody join me on rumble? It's where all my shows are rumble. com forward slash Dr. Jane Ruby. And my new website, which is drjaneruby. com, if you don't mind me plugging it because I've got all the Malone documents, all the legal documents, and a lot of other good information that you really need.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Awesome. Any other place we can get you? Telegram? How do we find you on Telegram?
Dr. Jane Ruby: I'm on Telegram. Everything's the same, drjaneruby. Um, Telegram, Twitter primarily, Rumble, all my shows are uploaded, including my coffee chats and then, of course, the website, which I really need to make people aware of more because it just got launched last week.
Dr. Jane Ruby: But. You know, with the, with the legal stuff in court, it just got a little sidetracked, but it's a great website. And when I say great, [00:29:00] I mean, it's in service to the public. That's what, where I wanted it to be. So thank you for letting me mention it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you so much again. And you know, I hope we keep in touch over the years and you know, it's been great keeping in touch with you this long.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Oh, my pleasure. My honor. Thank you, Dr. Sigaloff. Thank you, Dr.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Jane. God bless. Take care.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there, Due to uniform of the day, the full armor of God, let's all make courage more contagious than fear.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Doesn't dinner sound great as [00:30:00] it's cooking? This dinner is from Riverbend Ranch, which always provides prime or high choice. Has never been given hormones, never been given antibiotics, never been given mRNA vaccines. It's raised in the USA. It's processed in the USA. In fact, it's fully vertically integrated, which means that they own the cow.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It gives birth to the calf. It's raised on their fields. And if we compare what we can buy from Riverbend Ranch to four other major steak companies that sell bundles that have rib eyes and other meat in it, it can be as much as 184 to 59 less expensive. It's a great price value and it's a delicious piece of meat.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: My Clean beef.com/afterhours. That's my clean [00:31:00] beef.com/afterhours, my clean beef.com/afterhours.
Love Dr Jane. 😇 Her soul is as beautiful as her
She has been doing the right thing for a long time. Good on her. Very happy to hear that the malicious law suit was dropped.
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Excellent interview!
She got sued because she has shown what is inside the shots from other researches...
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Thanks for having the brilliant Dr Jane Ruby on your show!
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Funny that this woman, Jane Ruby, blocked me from commenting on her Rumble channel. Makes me wonder about who she really is working for 🙄 #QuestionEverything
I agree with you. I have been on several Twitter/X Spaces with prominent conservative voices and it seems every time she shows up she always chimes in and bashes them and tries to argue against them but with no real evidence. She is a snake!
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