WeP3 Weekly Debrief - 11 September 2024

11 months ago

Mark: WGY6@6 Guests: Phil Cook shared all that he is involved in - he is very active in the Irreverent Warriors project, and fills up most of his spare time doing other community service events - especially those that honor and remember veterans and service members.

Jonathan: Last night we had some music from Scotti Fraser. The first song was called Red, White & Blue…It’s a love song about this girl who looks good in red, white and blue. In the last verse you find out that the girl he’s in love with is the flag “Old Glory.” The second song he sang was called Do or Die. It is the title song from their first album. He said this song is kind of the military motto and no it’s not hurry up and wait. A line in the song says, “Minds not to wonder why, it’s just to do or die.” What an amazing thought to think about those times when you were on mission and there was no thought of anything except the mission. No questions about why or anything, just the mission and it was do or die in some instances. The last song was called Never Surrender and it will be the title of his new album when it comes out. The message here is just don’t give up on life. Every day above dirt is another day to make a difference in your life and in someone else’s life. He hopes to have a video for this song by January 2024.

Andrea: What’s Coming Up: upcoming Herostock event. How exciting to be part of the event that just keeps growing and growing!
Next Week's Guests:
Chuck Tyler w/ Veterans Intellectual Property
Brian McCleery

WeP3 Radio
Radio Station- Michael Madsen with Foxhole Internet Radio Network

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