πŸ’₯e9- What is the United States? πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽ­ A United Nations Member-Nation Corporation πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³

1 year ago

Shocking revelations about the true legal status of the United States since 1945. Did you know the US government and sovereignty was quietly ceded to become a UN franchise corporation?

Learn how the founding of the UN in 1945 was used to covertly convert nations like the US into member-state corporations under total UN control.

Without most realizing it, UN declarations and treaties have replaced the Constitution as supreme law. Humans are unlawfully trafficked as property using birth certificates. All courtrooms globally were franchised with new owners into UN competent national tribunals under the UN UDHR.

The American institutions we took for granted - our rights, elections, presidents - are theatrical props for maintaining confusion while the UN runs the US corporation franchise we falsely call a "Nation."

This mind-blowing video will uncover why American freedoms are vanishing - we have been legally enslaved by creative paperwork. We must wake up to how the USA died in 1945 as a sovereign nation and learn the truth about this United Nations-run Law of War occupying belligerent power falsely posing as our government.

0:00 Intro
0:08 7 Different United States - The Current UN Version
0:39 UN UDHR Nationals - Birth Certificates - Chattel
1:16 UN control matrix from WW2, US surrenders
1:57 UN is Trustee, President Executor of "People in Trust"
2:27 Constitution is Subverted by UN UDHR via UN Nationals
2:40 πŸ“œ UN UDHR & Article 8 - UN has Taken Over all "Courtrooms" globally
3:32 πŸ“ž Washtenaw County Head Prosecutor Brian Mackie P-25745
4:03 πŸ“ž Mackie P-25745 "Masters" are the UN
4:16 No Constitution - We're all Human Stateless, so the UN UDHR
5:07 What is the United States under the UN? & Birth Certificates
5:57 πŸ“Ί Rep. Allen West FL-R "US is a Corporation"
6:10 UN taken over NYC, 4th Sovereign City-State
7:04 Outro

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights - The Definitive document of human slavery:

55 Truly Stunning Facts about the United Nations:

The Blog: https://govbanknotes.wordpress.com
Blog Video Page for Uncensored Comments: https://govbanknotes.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/e8-how-the-ineligable-donald-trump-bought-the-presidency-for-nothing/

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