Oppenheimer the actual story,Part 4,The Real War (& the Real Nuclear War) The San Greal

8 months ago

(Note at 4 Hours approx it should state the the 'Messiah' must appear by 1946 - 1948 & which has 'come true' falsely in May 2023) ALL VIDEOS/BLOGS NAMED IN THE VIDEO ARE BELOW.The Stone of Destiny & the Summer 2019 declaration which ended the bar / admiralty law legal fictions globally = number 14 below) This video compiled or adapted from numerous excellent sources) Israels unstoppable advance to a Greater Israel size continues i.e. from the Nile to the Euphrates and these rivers are represented by the lines on the flag of Israel (Genesis 15.18, & 17,8 Exodus 23.31 see also Numbers 13.29, Joshua 11.3 & Judges 1.27) Yet what is the true symbol of Israel ?

" The Sabbatean Frankist Explained and exposed By Rabbi Marvin Antelman. Ushering in the Messiah by the creation of as much Evil as possible" https://rumble.com/v2hzd1y-the-sabbatean-frankist-explained-and-exposed-by-rabbi-marvin-antelman.html

"How and why the Soviets used the Swastika symbol" https://www.rbth.com/history/332418-how-soviets-used-swastika

Adolf Hitler and the western wear effort was payed for the central banks (both sides ) and it is little known that Zionism (reformed Judaism ) made a pact with Hitler to be transferred to Judea (Israel) and the camps which also stretched to Russia in hundreds were overseen by the Zionist "Sonderkommandos" (not orthodox Judaism) to persuade them to accept Israels rebirth before the Messiah came. Hitters Chauffeur was Jewish and there were over 100,000 Jewish soldiers in the German army and even the SS. Rome which owned in Israel (as also the Greek orthodox church) did not care either way. The Third Reich dealt with it from a Gnostic perspective but which also encompassed 'Arthurian' history and the knowledge that King Davids and Jesus brothers and sisters (Joseph, Dan, Asher & Tribe of Naphtali from where the Rothschild's originate) Yet central to the long debate in Germany and England (and the world) was could Israel come forth without or before the Messiah. Orthodox Judaism said no

A large part of WW1 & WW2 was to later eliminate knowledge of the Zionists and Nazi collaboration which both imprisoned orthodox Jews and the plan to create Israel (see the clips on "Where Eagles Dare" Aliester MacClean) and hide the schism between reformed Judaism (Zionism) and Orthodox Judaism and the need to have the Messiah present when the UN birthed Israel 1945/6 to 1947. This also hid the San Greal bloodline / de Vinci code which falsely claims they are descended from Jesus Christ, (as even the Mormons do today) but required by the bloodline to become latter day messiah / kings of Israel and anointed as such in plain view

Gaza, Ashkelon and Ekron were conquered see Judges 1.3, and the area belonged to Solomon. In the modern fraternity rivalry the Temple of Solomon and the Egyptian (more European) esoteric degrees regard these questions as central to the Great Work in macro, whilst the (in micro) the contrived pursuit of the androgynous 'Adam kadmon' in the Cabala Gnostic belief is also a central motivation for these religions despite Genesis stating that Eve had 2 children Cain and Abel and more later and Genesis 9, 1- 19 commanding to fill the earth with children (so before or after the flood procreation was not limited by androgyny ?)

Gnostics speak of god and consciousness but they do not know God BUT do go about not knowing god at length. (see also Matthew 7, 21 - 23) They do bring a logical concept of the system of the cosmos and even the hierarchy of beings in that system but confuse Elohim as many "gods" as opposed to 1 God with 3 aspects (not 3 gods as 1) This aside Gnosticism has tried to encapsulate the beauty of creation (and sometimes in very deep and mesmerizing ways) and the cosmos by logic alone (gnosis which only grasps a small fraction of 1 % of the whole as logic can only conceptualize) as they suggest god is not able or will not to communicate directly with his created, and delegates this communication and wonder to a system of hierarchy with them at the top and the peasants are required to ascend an earthly system to attain knowledge of god. God however without any hesitation or conference with hierarchy's, decides alone and reaches directly to the poor and 'cast down' without their permission or any referral to the initiated which astonishes and even disappoints those who have attained 'enlightenment' Even the highest being within cosmology can be cast down and the poor and despised raised up.
The fallen angels of Genesis 6 and the book of Enoch or Jude and who kept not their first estate (books of Peter) tried to procreate, producing subtle hybrids, and the men of renown, of old (Genesis 6,4) and/or monstrous offspring resulting in Noah's flood. Their disembodied Spirits await Judgement see Matthew 8, 28 - 34. Their defense;... they did not ask to be born of men and woman or angels"

The final war of heaven and earth. which some call WW3 will be biblical and all out and total war. Both JRR Tolkien (the Silmarillion novel by Tolkiin especially frames these questions) and Adolf Hitler knew all of this and by 1914 - 1918 it was graphically obvious and apparent in the new highly mechanized war and in the slaughter,.. although prior to WW1 both could not have imagined...

Humans without any technocrat of trans-human assistance were/are (the only) creations capable of pro-creating' (like creating) and producing beings which could encapsulate God in thought, deed and worship directly and whether by accepting or rejecting God, they had freewill as far as existence can enjoy (the alternative being non-existence)

People cling to a fantasy (dumbed down )that the universe exploded out of nothing, and the earth cooled and from pools of slime complex life forms with complex DNA arose and evolved to make the varied and non related creatures on earth today) Contrary to accepted narratives most of the bible is about the created rejecting God (with limited understanding of Gods plan at that moment) and finding God once more.Those that unable to create can only copy or subvert or produce a counterfeit whether it is a task or a temple. Well meaning or by human effort alone produces the problems in the script of the book of Judges, the book of Judges highlights this. All views are considered.

The Noahide extra biblical extra Torah laws are nonsense, and the doctrine that Amalek are the Europeans and must be destroyed was nonsense (and still is ) Amalek needs to be destroyed or the Messiah will not come is the synopsis...yet ! the messiah (not accepted by all) has just been anointed (see vids below) which means Amaleks destruction must be complete ? in the lucrative trafficking and child slavery world of making up doctrines.

The world has entered an age of great deception and the bible names this as a strong delusion. Bread and circus, fake sports and a "north Korean" media despite thousands of channels (the west brainwashed and dumbed down )in the MSM and "alternative" media who are also in their own tailored agenda for trivia and psyops and the Uniparty delusion and hoax even despite the covid hoax. This video is lengthy with text boxes to avoid a longer duration. See also...

In 1993 President Shimon Peres of Israel, under the Norwegian Oslo accords (like the fake Abrahamic accords as the bible makes it clear the land can not be divided or bargained ) gave the Old City of Jerusalem to the Vatican (effectively dividing it into 3 Muslim, Jewish & Christian) and to Pope John Paul 2nd who was Jewish by his mother who was called Emily Katz. He encouraged all of the sites in 2009 to be handed over. Today the conflict in Israel is called the Palestinian Israel (Arab Jewish conflict) but no one is asking if Christians should have a division of Jerusalem (a 3 state solution ) or other (a 4 or 5 state solution) ? It is as General Albert Pikes prediction for WW3 (as the Muslim Jewish war ) must come to pass although it has been underway for over 70 years. An engineered war with a fake peace, especially since 1973 (r.e. 1993 President Shimon Peres of Israel )

Land in Israel and Ownership Land was purchased by the Rothschild’s in 1882 under Baron Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild of France, including 20,000 acres on the Golan Heights. Land in Jerusalem is owned by the Greek Orthodox Church (approx 30%) The Vatican (old Jerusalem & Temple Mount) & Israel. The Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem considers themselves the second largest landowner in Israel, after the Israeli government, & Israel & Jerusalem is considered to be under the Trusteeship of the UN, which grew out of the League of Nations in WW1, & later conferences in London after WW2 It is not just the Rothschilds but Rome and the Greek orthodox also.

1. 5th Generation Warfare Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare (The Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine literally means against all on the earth in every way ) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ffO1LxEdGN2n/

2. SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS (TOP SECRET) - 1954 [Full Document] - Full Read https://www.bitchute.com/video/U1kINVAdQxou/ (shorter version https://www.bitchute.com/video/k4yF0ShFvQta/ )

3 Welcome to the 5th Generation Psy War https://podcastaddict.com/truthstream-media-on-odysee/episode/167327472


4A) COP 28 is paying farmers with carbon credits not to farm (with 15 minute cities and c40 cities and terra carta & astra carta slowly choking the global food supply etc see cop 28 and SDG 1 - 17 see film 8a below)

5. Food security ...it would take 3 months or less for billions to starve to death https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starvation.. At COP 28 (dec 2023 - jan 2024) overseen by prince charles the sustainable development goals and for agriculture are paying farmers not to farm with carbon credits over years not a fallow field 1 year. With the global food supply slowly choked down famine is a real possibility as it could be restricted at national level by force or coercion. With c40 cities https://www.c40.org/   and 15 minute cities https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-03/15-minute-cities-what-are-they-and-why-are-they-controversial  the method approved in planning is plain to see for GLOBAL FAMINE THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR FOOD!  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-03/15-minute-cities-what-are-they-and-why-are-they-controversial

6. Electro Magnetic Pulse EMP is considered a nuclear weapon. Once used a follow up of ballistic missiles can decimate a country ...making established nukes obsolete yet they are still in place

7.. 5G TO 6G and up can produce covid like symptoms

8. systemic financial collapse securities and assets and derivatives


5. San Greal anointed with oil from "Mary Magdalene" church on the mount of olives in front of a last supper scene in Westminster abbey) Charles King of England or anointed Messiah of Israel ? The real commentary on the crowning ceremony in Westminster abbey 6.5.23 https://rumble.com/v2skmue-charles-king-of-england-or-anointed-messiah-of-israel-.html

6. The Gnostic symbolism in the Crowning ceremony of Prince Charles Sax Coburg Gotha Windsor 6.May.2023 (esoteric and spiritual) Apostasy & Evil in the Anglican Church, the Great falling away & Divorce of the 'Church' from God https://rumble.com/v2rnphe-the-symbolism-in-the-crowning-ceremony-of-prince-charles-sax-coburg-gotha-w.html

7. (DERANGED TRUMP and many others DESCENDED FROM JESUS ? "Paedofilia & Donald Trump, 9/11. General Michael Flynn exposes the Deep State project, Q anon, WWG1WGA" https://rumble.com/v3z2kdm-paedofilia-and-donald-trump-911.-general-michael-flynn-exposes-the-deep-sta.html

8. The Man of Perdition, Sin and Lawlessness, given Authority from 10 Kings (the 'Anti-Christ' ) https://rumble.com/v3ib1p8-the-man-of-perdition-sin-and-lawlessness-given-authority-from-10-kings-the-.html

8a Astra & Terra Carta. Prince Charles king of the World & the Universe ? & anointed king of Israel ? https://www.bitchute.com/video/YAjF7jE2yBDt/

9. The City of London, The Bank of England, Sol Invictus, Mithras, & St George & the Dragon https://rumble.com/v291srw-the-city-of-london-the-bank-of-england-sol-invictus-mithras-and-st-george-a.html

10 The Creation of Israel WW 1 & 2 (&3) Line of Anti-Christ, Charles Saxe-Coburg Gotha.Aleister Crowley, Hitler & Mussolini. The mystery of Iniquity.Collapse of Ottoman Caliphate 1917 fwd. UN & Yeats poem "The Second Coming”. https://rumble.com/v31ub34-creation.html

10A The Tribes of Israel: The TWO tribes of Dan. & History inside Pastor Steven Anderson (06/26/2022) https://rumble.com/v1cayt1-the-tribes-of-israel-the-two-tribes-of-dan.pastor-steven-anderson-06262022-.html

11. Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83) https://rumble.com/v2hzgjk-april-13-2023.html

12. (TRUMP THE BLACKMAILED FATHER OF THE VACCINE) Trump, the FDA, Fachi & the Crispr HIV VAIDS vaccine epidemic in Israel & The world (deaths & Injuries) Who Pushed "Operation Warp Speed" https://rumble.com/v2i0al2-trump-the-fda-fachi-and-the-crispr-hiv-vaids-vaccine-epidemic-in-israel.html

13. Lueren Moret interview taken from " Real history of the World, Vatican, Israel, Iran, Greater Israel. (& 'Learning against learning' from Rome) & "AI" next steps" https://rumble.com/v3urktq-real-history-of-the-world-vatcian-israel-iran-greater-israel.html


Stone of Destiny clips from and other related political / theological issues

14. The Real Stone of Destiny ('Coronation Stone') how & why it affects Britain and the Whole Worlds laws. Prince Charles not lawfully crowned as King of England or the Messiah of Israel ? separately the proclamation was made in 2019 and is binding as the highest form of law ending the bar and freeing the whole world https://rumble.com/v3hnrea-the-real-stone-of-destiny-coronation-stone.html

15. The Sabbatean Frankist Explained and exposed By Rabbi Marvin Antelman. Ushering in the Messiah by the creation of as much Evil as possible https://rumble.com/v2hzd1y-the-sabbatean-frankist-explained-and-exposed-by-rabbi-marvin-antelman.html

16. The American origins of the Star of the Magen David flag of Israel, & its older origins & Pomegranates https://rumble.com/v2a1ag6-the-american-origins-of-the-star-of-the-magen-david-flag-of-israel-and-its-.html

17 UN base on Mount Hermon in Israel (UNDOF) The 200 fallen Angels fell here (on the 33rd parallel) https://rumble.com/v199er2-un-base-on-mount-hermon-in-israel-undof-the-200-fallen-angels-fell-here-on-.html

18 AI to write new correct bible for all faiths Yuval Noah Harari https://rumble.com/v3hnsko-ai-bible.html

19. Judah,Joseph & the Inheritance of both Houses of Israel.Bloodlines of Europe & the 3 of the Messiah https://www.bitchute.com/video/85EZSjlwigBz/

20. Dead Sea Scrolls Prove Most of New Testament Predates 68 A.D. (Don Patton) showing also how the prophecy of the Temples destruction by the Messiah predates the temples destruction https://www.bitchute.com/video/JOblZsG43vlS/ (or on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hwi_CGdPlE )

21. COMPLETE ATONEMENT sermon by chosen people ministries https://www.bitchute.com/video/nsqLVLRP-EM/


(this video taken from) "How to Calculate When Jesus Was Born" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKXPoEQAP7A

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