What is Unite Union boss Sharon Graham’s problem with Palestine?

8 months ago

A scathing letter from Unite members demands Sharon Graham buck her non existent ideas up on the matter of Palestine!
Right, so it’s not exactly breaking news that many of our political leaders have completely shamed themselves over situation in Gaza, by choosing to side with the Israeli occupiers and oppressors in their disproportionate response to the October 7th attack by Hamas, an attack which daily appears to point to more and more of the casualties of that night being perpetrated not by Hamas, but by Israeli forces themselves.
But it’s not just the politicians, as some trade unions have been hopeless in their responses too and for a long while, one of the biggest has been seen as one of the worst for this, the Sharon Graham led Unite Union and the attitude towards antisemitism meted out, how the union chooses to handle that was a story before this latest escalation in the ongoing Israel Palestine conflict, but since then her leadership of the union has led to further alleged anti Palestine sentiment and woeful responses demanding Graham show some spine on the matter.
Right, so Unite the Union under Sharon Graham and the matter of antisemitism and of the genocide we’re currently watching still unfold in Gaza by Israeli forces. Trade unions aren’t just about workers rights you see, aren’t just about strike action and the like, getting better deals for workers, especially when they are politically affiliated ones like Unite is. As one of the parties backing the Labour party financially, they are supposed to stand up for the interests of yes workers, but also the working class, associate itself with sister organisations internationally and show solidarity where it is needed. They have leverage even on the international stage and give Unite is the second largest trade union in the UK, it certainly has that. What a pity it is currently led still by someone who it seems clear chooses not to.
Sharon Graham is seen as close to Keir Starmer. This was pretty much nailed on when she invited him to speak at Unite Conference last year and allegedly made the demand that anyone listening wasn’t to protest at his speech, but to sit in silence and listen. She talks of holding him to account and talks of not taking Unite money for granted, yet Unite member dues are still flowing into Starmer’s Labour’s coffers, it being totally unclear what we members are paying for, I’m a Unite member, since all Starmer does is scrap anything he’s already promised or pledged. Why is that Sharon?
Anyway, that’s another video for another day, it’s the Unite response to antisemitism and the situation in Gaza that she’s causing particular ire amongst members for.
Unite already have a history of having banned showings of the Jeremy Corbyn film the Big Lie in Unite buildings on the grounds it is antisemitic, despite there being nothing of the kind featured. She banned a book signing by the excellent Middle East investigative journalist Asa Winstanley and his book Weaponising Antisemitism, she has invited much criticism for actions along these lines that have been allegedly linked directly to her.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
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