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Jan 2024 msgs from the LORD - pt 2 (USA, GA, 45 etc)

1 year ago

(Enough w/ YT & Cancel Culture)
Happy New Year friends,
As always test the spirit by the spirit. Make sure you are anchored in the LORD and the Bible 24/7 and only TRUST in the LORD. Finish reading your bibles and make sure you write down every prophetic msg the LORD wants to reveal to you directly on your journal. I love how the LORD is prophetically speaking to so many in this hour.

I pray today's video brings confirmation to you all.
Keep praying for our nation's repentance & revival, keep praying for 45s strength and protection and keep walking in faith and not by sight in JESUS' name.

If you need to prayer, email me at johnthetruthdotcom@gmail.com

Thank you so much for your prayers, please keep praying and may GOD bless you and honor you.




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