5 months ago

Unlike some that call themselves experts on the Nevada Test Site, and Area 51. I choose not to just go by what Google, and Wikipedia writes. I'm sure you all know that those sites are sometimes, and a lot of times are wrong with the facts. I find the best facts are from the people that work, and retired from these sites. To which I have had the pleasure of talking to many of them. Just like my video on Area 2 where I had 3 people who did not know that I talked to others that were stationed there, but all had the same stories about the base. I was contacted by a high up in the Air Force (now retired) about this base. He was stationed at the Las Vegas Air Force Station for just over 20 years. I talked with him at a coffee shop, and he showed me pictures when this base was a small City. This was a fun video to film because Sean, and I did it together. Which we will have a couple doozies coming up for you that were doing together.
What I'm trying to say about these self proclaimed expert's on the NTTR, and Area 51. Unless your working there, and have a high security clearance. Chances are that the people or a certain person is not a expert in this field, and that includes myself. I've even had people tell me on FB that they know this, and that because they wrote a book, but they have never stepped a foot in Nevada. What does set me apart from others is that I live here, and work just north of the base. I have many close friends that work at the NTR, and yes Area 51. After time they do open up about details on what they, and the bases are doing. I have done plenty of reading on the bases, but find it all to be speculation not fact. The people I know that have 0 interest in watching YouTube videos about where they work actually openly laugh when they see some of these videos.

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