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15 seconds


1 year ago

Bluewater's memorable quotes:
" Do exactly what I say or you will be blocked ! "
" No negativity allowed here, but allowed towards the grifters I want ! "
" Trust me, because I say so; what other ASSperts say is bullshit "
" Don't throw money to grifters, but give them to me because I take better care of them "
" Don't expect my predictions to come true, it can happen anytime, even in 20 years. But if it happens - see, I told you ! "


  • 0/2000
  • For new users who don't know who Bluewater is: - formerly known as Crapwater - is a Cult leader - he is 61 years old - his real name is Raymond Miranda - he is a Mexican immigrant from the 60s. He came to the US for a better life, but instead, he found jack shit. - he has no education and school, so he hates all those who have a PhD - but he likes playing the role of a PhD - he is bipolar - he radically changes his attitude/mood from one video to another, - he was a failed disco DJ in the 80s (in his basement), - he never shows his face to avoid the responsibility of his scenarios that never come true, - He is a hypocrite: he does not accept negativity, but encourages negativity towards others, - he loves blondes; the younger the better, - he hates God and Jesus, so logically, he is a Satanist - expects to ascend to 5D in November 2023, - he convinced everyone that NESARA will come in 2022, - loves urine more than beer, - he loved Janine enormously, but now she earns more than him, so she is on his black list, - he loves tarot but doesn't want to admit it, - He consider that chemtrails are beneficial for our health, they are cures, - he hates Charlie Ward because he's a kingpin mobster, but he is just an immigrant with no career, - he hates Max Igan because he wrote books, but he only wrote suburban idioms on the internet, - he spends all day on tiktok where he gets videos from... and he is 60-ish ! - claims to help people with donations - helped one user with rent in the most expensive city, Brussels. Reallocation doesn't matter. The next sponsored location with donations will probably be Beverly Hills ! - he's a felon - he bragged about tricking the IRS all his life, - he claims to be protected by aliens, and for this reason BitChute cannot block him. But YouTube could. It seems that YouTube is not afraid of his aliens friends. - he doesn't like people with big ego, but, all his comments are based on his fucked up ego, - he can't do internet interviews to help peo

  • Great work!