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TOWERS not "STUMPS" #Meltology

1 year ago

No plasma event, no mining, no titans and no giant stumps. #Meltology has and will continue to debunk all such nonsense.
Its a computer, it overloaded. A inevitable event when you reach the peak of advancement. This is a realm, a spiritual plane of experience. All is energy and we are the data. Simple.

What is Meltology? Brief 9 page description: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8aTkBjx/


Original documentary by the man who disclosed Meltology. Over 100k views across 6 YouTube channels that have been terminated in 4 years. Very censored documentary ~ https://youtu.be/kdPrZb5NpvU?si=dyNtKQ7eMxB0nhJ7

For the deniers, WATCH the documentary then go start at your local rivers and parks. Then go check out the remaining old architecture and most importantly OBSERVE all of it. Actually TRY to debunk Meltology and you will see the melt is abundant. You will undeniably see why it has been hidden and why history was faked. This is unfathomable.


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