America Needs An AWAKENING! | Perilous World Radio 1/3/24

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Husband and wife team Alan and Jan Masters co-host today's Perilous World Radio Show, which is available on many radio stations (scroll to bottom of page) around the U.S., and online on Rumble. Show audio is also now available on "X"(Twitter) "Spaces," by going to @alanmasters_ or @roymasters , clicking on the purple "Spaces" box, and pressing "Play."

The show starts with breaking news that Republicans are Impeaching Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to guard our nation's borders. The Bible contains pointed warnings of what will happen to nations when they turn from Him—including that nation being ruled by foreigners. We need to awaken and return to God if we expect any healing to take place.

Alan also tells a story about a transexual person he met and had an excellent, honest conversation with, challenging his own pre-judgments. Alan realized that this person is no different than any other person who makes mistakes. Looking at ourselves as we deal with others can be quite revealing.

In the Patriot Outreach segment at the start of the second half of the show, Col. Tony Monaco (Founder) and Chaplain Jack Le Roy, a retired disabled Vietnam Veteran, speak about the outrage of the U.S. Veteran's Administration giving medical treatment to illegal aliens while treating Veterans as second-class citizens. It is critical that we not only elect a strong President this year to help restore our nation—but far more importantly—the American People need to awaken!

With at least twenty-two Veterans committing suicide every day, we have a serious crisis on our hands. The good news, says Jan, is that we are beginning to come together. She says, "There's something on this Earth to do that only YOU can do." We ALL have a God-given purpose.

Learning to live without judgment is the key to spiritual, mental, and even physical health. It is the way back for all of us—back to our Creator. We can learn to actually thrive off of stress, as President Trump demonstrates daily. God wants us to return to Him, and help others do the same. Roy Masters' "Be Still and Know" Judeo-Christian meditation exercise is an amazing tool that helps us do just that.

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