Disease in Reverse Weekly #23- Workshop- Build a meal plan, Christmas Gratitude & Blessings

6 months ago

Disease in Reverse Weekly #23
Applying the simplicity of URO Therapy Lifestyle
Workshop- Build a meal plan, Christmas Gratitude & Blessings
Testimonies, and Q&A, with Nancy Henderson and more
Host Gloria Sharlein, Vaccine Injured to healed
Saturday, December 23, 2023
1:30 PM PST, 4:30 PM EST, Monday 6:30 AM JST, 7:30 AM AEDT

Resources and ways to Support Gloria:
Healing Genesis Reloaded https://healinggenesisseries.com/?oid=16&affid=3
Jonathan Otto & Dr. Ed Group https://urotherapyresearch.com/
Well of Life Supplements https://welloflife.com/?oid=4&affid=3
Disease in Reverse https://diseaseinreverse.com/gloria/
Cardio Miracle https://cardiomiracle.com/?ref=GLORIA
Cardio Miracle Coupon Code “GLORIA” to get 10% off
The Simplicity of URO Therapy https://rumble.com/v3mhy66-the-simplicity-of-uro-therapy.html
Ways to connect with Gloria:
Gloria’s URO therapy Follow the Science Google photo Video log
Facebook & X (Twitter): Gloria Sharlein
Tik Tok: Vaccine injured to healed
Disease in Reverse Facebook messenger group
Send me your email to join my email list

Jonathan Otto Free eBooks and support Gloria:
Healing Genesis Reloaded:
eBook #1: Natural and Holistic Protocols Known to Inhibit and Denature Snake Venom
eBook #2: The Golden Secret to Health – Urotherapy
eBook #3: Healing Protocols for Detoxing from Vaxx Shedding
eBook #4: The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Detox: Reclaim Your Health Naturally
eBook #5: Revive and Thrive: Natural and Holistic Approaches to Reverse the COVID-19 Bioweapon
eBook #6: Top Natural Medicines and Nutrient-Rich Superfoods that Help Detox Your Body

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