Riverdale, NJ BOE Mtg #17 11/16/24 Part 2

6 months ago

Future School Bd Meetings Thursday, 1/4/24 (Reorg & Ethics training) UPDATE TIME 7 pm
All meetings must be comply with Sunshine Laws UPDATED 2023 LEGISLATION NJSA 10:4-6 through NJSA 10:4-21. “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act.” https://casetext.com/statute/new-jersey-statutes/title-10-civil-rights/chapter-104-legislative-findings-and-declaration/section-104-7-legislative-findings-and-declaration. To find public notices from various newspapers you can try searching on https://www.njpublicnotices.com/

Riverdale, NJ BOE Mtg #16 11/16/23 (3 Parts)
Part 1 2 min Eagle Scout Gaga Pit & 13 Referendum presentation https://rumble.com/v44ak3z-riverdale-nj-boe-mtg-111624-part-1.html
Part 2 3 min Superintendent Report, 7:40 Committee Reports - No committee meetings held except for Transportation, Facilities & Technology (TFT)
10 Oral Communiction from Public on Agenda Items, 12 Approval of Minutes, 12:30 Finance including 5 year Teacher's contract, 13:25 Questions & Comments from Board Members, 23:35 Vote on motion to Call the Question, more discussion, 28 Personnel, 29 Transportation, Facilities, Technology (TFT,) 30 Questions & comments from Bd Members, 32 Transportation, 34 Curriculum, Instruction, Special Services (CISS) 35 Public Comments
Part 3 Continuation of Public Comments, 7 min Questions & Comments from Board Members, 10:30 Recommend engaging in the process to research utilizing services to censure a Board Member, 12 min Lead

You can access the Riverdale Board of Education video posted on the rpsnj.org website if you log in using your Google identification.

Documents –
1) Riv BOE Annual (ACFR) Comprehensive Financial Report 6/30/22-https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/acfr/search/22/4440.pdf
2) Riv BOE Auditor's Management Report 6/30/22 -https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/acfr/search/22/amr/4440.pdf
3) Other years ACFR & Mgmt reports can be found here as well -https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/acfr/search/
Referendum Scope of Work Plans https://cdn5-ss20.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_441589/File/Referendum/SCOPE%20OF%20WORK%20PLANS%20-%20FINAL%20RIVERDALE%2010.11.22%20(1).pdf
For more videos you can search lsferrara8 on Rumble. When commenting, please choose to be kind. God Bless.

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