What is Nature and Nature's God?

5 months ago

• Unalienable rights: unable to be controlled or have a lien placed on them
• Land, Air and Water are all nature, under its own rules
• Founding Fathers acknowledging the rules of nature helps frame who we are
and how we do things
• They set up the country with God on top, then man, then government
• Everything is under some kind of law: nature’s laws (gravity, etc) and ten
• Maxim law: that which one creates, one controls
• Corporation created “employees” to control us to get around the constitution
• I Samuel 7 Israelites asking Samuel for a King to rule over them because they
didn’t want to be under God’s rule
• Samuel warned with predictions of what a King would do against them to no
avail, and is happening today
• Hard to self-govern
• We have boundaries through the constitution
• If we don’t have something to govern us, lawlessness takes over
• No man can take our God-given unalienable rights because man didn’t give it
to us
• People are going along to get along and do what the rules, regulations and
codes tell them to do, to their detriment
• We’re supposed to be the ones creating law
• Being self-governed means that we take responsibility and we identify and
establish law that will be beneficial for us, our household, and our community
• We have not been taught to self-govern.
• Used to somebody to tell them what to do, so you don’t have to be
responsible – blame game.
• Starts with us and by following the golden rule. Lead as an example.
• Leave the buildings and get back into nature and be outside
• The founding fathers put in there of nature and nature's God to reaffirm that
there is a higher belief and a higher standing or structure that our country
was founded on.
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