The Problem of Human and Natural Evil: Response to Atheist Accusations

6 months ago

Atheists are bombarding social media with memes attacking either the character or existence of God using different iterations of the same argument- an argument from the existence of evil. This video is designed to be something that Christians can share on social media in response to those attacks. They are saying the same thing over and over again in slightly different ways, so they should get the same answer over and over again until they address the response- which I have found they flee serious intellectual engagement in favor of flitting from one accusation to another.

For a text version:
Answers suitable for cutting and pasting on social media: On Human Evil

When atheists complain of the problem of human evil, using many specific examples, they do not mean that God should stop them from doing things that He considers evil. They mean that God should stop others from doing the things that they consider evil. Were God to inhibit their actions, they would be among the first to shake their fist at Him and declare Him a tyrant, and even unjust since they often would not consider their deeds as evil.
And so whatever happens, they mock God. If He does not intervene, they mock Him by denying His existence and saying He should have intervened. If He did intervene, they would mock Him as a tyrant and unjust in His choices. We can know this is true because they do this even now when He mildly intervenes through His church which proclaims His standards for human conduct. Even that is too much for them and they revile Him and His people as an unjust tyrant all the same. They set the problem up in their heads so that no matter what happens, God is to be mocked. Not because of who He is, but it is because of who and what they are.
Their real problem isn't with the existence of God, it is that they are not Him.

On Natural Evil:

When atheists complain of the problem of natural evil, using many specific examples, they mean that God should have made a universe where man can do whatever He pleases, and be as hurtful, sinful, and destructive as he wishes, while the nature he exists in behaves itself perfectly. There is no reason why God should do that of course- if man wishes to be unruly then it is only fitting that he exists within a natural realm that is unruly as well. He should get from nature that which he puts into it.
The original commission of man in Genesis chapter one was to dominate and subdue an unruly natural world- to make it better in the process of getting better himself in communion with God. In spite of our rebellion, we have made some progress in this, but without our rebellion I suspect we'd have completed the job some time ago. The energy and resources that could have been spent curing childhood leukemia and predicting earthquakes was squandered on war, crime, intoxication, and illicit expressions of sexuality. That an atheist would blame God for these things should remind us that narcissists never take responsibility for their actions and always seek to deflect blame onto others.

Link to Amazon page of Early Genesis, the Revealed Cosmology

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