Starting my 6 Creedmoor PRS Load. Precision Priming and Intellidropper!!

1 year ago

Getting into starting my load work for my PRS rig. The 6 Creedmoor loading process has begun!! I was going to use the Hornady brass I was showing in the annealing video, but I realized I have way more small primers than large, so decided to get some new Lapua brass started. I have a box of 100 new cases, so this will be a powder test as well as fire forming these first few pieces.
First, need to get them primed. I picked up the CPS from Primal Rights and this thing is awesome! Once you get the depth set, it will always seat your primer to the exact same depth. Very repeatable and very precise. Everything you want in a quality priming process. The Competition Primer Seater from Primal Rights is the fancy way to seat primers! It looks great as well!!
Next, gotta drop the powder. I got this Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper on a sale. I hear either very good things or very bad things about them. I was hoping I would get a good machine. From this first batch, I think I got lucky!! Once set up, it was dropping exactly the charge I wanted. I checked against an A&D scale that can measure to .02 grain accuracy, and the charge was exactly what it should be. 38.9 on both scales!!! I really thought there would be at least .04 grain difference, but it was spot on. This is going to save a lot of time over throwing and trickling up to my desired charge. I am very pleased with the performance so far! Let's hope it keeps up!!

I appreciate you watching my video! Next up, I will get my seating die set up and get some projectiles seated and ready for the range! I hope you will come back to see that next!
I hope you have a great New Year's and thank you for an awesome year here on my channel!! You all rock!!

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