How Zinc Builds A Stronger Immune System (2024)

4 months ago

Zinc for Immune System Health

- Zinc is required for the maturation of immune cells like
T cells, B cells, and Natural Killer Cells. (They're Soldiers)
- Lack of Zinc may impair these Immune Cells from working
efficiently at killing foreign invaders like
Bacteria, Virus, and Fungus (Pathogens) that have infected your cells.
- Helps with Cytokines, these are like spotters that tell immune cells
where to go find these bad guys.
- Cytokines and Helper T cells are responsible for the warzone, the battle of inflammation
between your Immune Cell Soldiers and bad guy pathogens,
like a war, there is damage all around
- Zinc supports the barriers of your body like skin, mucus membranes,
think of them like walls around your base
- This is why exposed wounds must be disinfected.
- B cells have Antibodies, marks and destroys pathogens
- T cells fight pathogens, antigen presenting cells
recognize / identify the proteins or molecules in pathogens, then
the T cells can train to effectively fight pathogens better.

- Even long after infections, B Cells and T Cells retain memory to store
information about

- Iron in your body can be locked out to protect you against Pathogens using your own Iron against you. Zinc is important after an infection, to unlock to utilize your Iron again.

- 30mg of Zinc Picolinate daily is good, I do not suggest pushing over 30mg as it can disrupt your Zinc to Copper Ratio Balance, which may is not good.

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