How Oxalates Sabotage Calcium Metabolism CREST, Kidney, & Gallbladder Stones

4 months ago

How Oxalates Sabotage Calcium Metabolism
CREST, Kidney & Gallbladder Stones

1. Oxalates are a plant defense mechanism to protect itself from animals that eat plants.
- Oxalates irritate the digestive systems of these animals.

2. Calcium Oxalate cannot be utilized well from plants as you need to detox Oxalates.
- This is why it is not a good source of Calcium.

3. Eating too many Calcium Oxalate rich plants over time may lead to problems as
they are stored in the body until you stop eating Oxalates.

4. Calcium Metabolism disrupted with Calcium Oxalate Crystals
- May form Kidney & Gallbladder Stones.
- May accumulate Calcium in Arteries. CAC
- May accumulate Calcium in Joints, Muscles, and Ligaments = Stiff & Hard to Move.
- May form Calcium deposits in Eyes.
- May form Calcium in Breasts & the Brain.
- May Ossify soft tissue turning them into bone. (Hetero Ossification)
- May Calcify different parts of the body. CREST.
CALCINOSIS - Calcium in the skin
Raynaud's - Cold hands and feet
Esophageal Dysfunction - Acid Reflux and Less motility of the Esophagus
Sclerodactyly - Thickening tightness of the hands and fingers
Telangiectasias - Capilaries dilate, red marks on skin

5. What to do
I. Drink more water, especially with Fresh Lemon Juice to hydrolyze Oxalates.
II. Take Potassium Citrate to help bind the Oxalic Acid to Citrates to be peed out.
- Citrates in Lemon do this too.
III. Take Vitamin K2 (MK4+MK7) Activates GLA Matrix Proteins to regulate Calcium Metabolism
by putting Calcium where it belongs.
IV. Do not take Vitamin D3 as it calcifys the body.
V. Completely stop eating Oxalate Rich Foods or go on an All Muscle Meat Carnivore Diet
- AVOID Chocolate, Rhubarb, Spinach, Kale, Beets, All Nuts, Okra, Sweet Potato, Black Tea, Parsley
- Must not eat over 50mg of Oxalates to start excreting.
- If dumping too hard, eat some Oxalates to slow down.
- Sally K Norton a great resource

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