The Nazi Roots of Hamas

6 months ago

By now many people have heard of #Hamas, but very few know much about their history, genealogy, ideology, and aims.

In this highlight from Episode 20 of "Strange Bedfellows" I briefly lay out the historical background of the Palestinian liberation movement so that we may better understand of whom and what we are speaking when we say, “Hamas.” It begins with the Nazis.

Yes, the Nazis.

As the Führer hid in his bunker and prepared for his suicide, he penned his last political will and testament. His last written words were a plea to the world to continue to “resist mercilessly the poisoner of all nations, international Jewry,” a plea most thoroughly and systematically heeded by the Islamic Jihadists and one of their primary movements, Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, the Islamic Resistance Movement known as Hamas.

To fully grasp the ideology that drives Hamas and the Palestinian liberation movement today, one must first understand the history that gave rise to it -- and specifically, Nazi collaborator Haj Amin al-Husseini, the tie that binds Hitler to Hamas.

Haj Amin al-Husseini came to power through a British act of appeasement after he had been tried in absentia and found guilty of inciting riots in #Palestine in 1920; the riots arose in response to the first proposal for a two-state solution outlined by the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement of January 1919.

Attempting to calm the Arab population, British mandate governor Herbert Samuel appointed him Mufti of Jerusalem on 8 May 1921. Among the newly appointed Mufti’s first actions was a declaration of #jihad against the British and the #Jews. In March 1933 he paid his first official visit to the new Nazi German General Consul Heinrich Wolff in Jerusalem. Once again wanted by the British for inciting the Arab Revolt of 1936 – 1939, al-Husseini fled Palestine for #Iraq.

After inciting an overthrow of the Iraqi government and murderous pogroms that resulted in the slaughter of hundreds of Jews, the Mufti found safe harbor in Berlin, where he was handsomely rewarded by the #Nazis with money, a lavish lifestyle, and armed guards. He was employed by Nazi Germany making propaganda radio broadcasts for the Arab world.

As early as January 1941 al-Husseini was recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS and in SS killing units. The largest of the Mufti’s Muslim killing units was the infamous 13th Handschar Division of 21,065 men.

As a result of his murderous actions in service to the Nazis, al-Husseini was charged with war crimes -- yet, he managed to evade prosecution at #Nuremberg and flee, aided by British intelligence.

In June 1946 he turned up in Cairo, where, as noted above, the Muslim Brotherhood gave him a hero’s welcome. That same year the Mufti took in his second cousin Yasser #Arafat as his protégé; he brought in a former Nazi commando officer to teach Arafat “the fine points of guerilla warfare.” Some scholars argue that “al-Husseini was himself most likely the true founder of the al-Fatah,… Arafat’s terror cell,… the nucleus of the PLO.” (currently the ruling authority in the West Bank.)

Hamas emerged immediately after the outbreak of the Palestinians’ First Intifada against Israel as a militant Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood on 9 December 1987.

The Movement was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and his comrades Dr. Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi and Mahmoud al-Zahar. Yassin grew up in awe of Haj Amin al-Husseini. He joined the Muslim Brotherhood in 1957 and in 1973 established the Islamic Congress in #Gaza to expand the influence of the Brotherhood; in 1978 he was among the founders of the Islamic University of Gaza.

Yassin and his cohorts embraced the Nazis’ fundamental view that the Jews are “the dirtiest and meanest of all races, defiling the most sanctified and honored spot on earth,” making “no distinctions between Jews, Zionists, and Israelis.”

As in all ideologies driven by Jew hatred, from Hitler to Hamas, where the Jew is the enemy, #Judaism is the enemy.

Nazi ideology is alive and well today in parts of the Arab world, and especially in Gaza, where Hamas rules (for now).

In this highlight from Episode 20 of "Strange Bedfellows" (with guest Tyler McConnell), we give a brief history lesson of the Strangest Bedfellows of all time: the Nazis and the Arabs.

We'll even show you the most popular chain of clothing stores in Gaza City today: "Hitler 1" and "Hitler 2"-- where fashionable young Palestinian #fascists buy "Hitler Chic" apparel.

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