I’ve Had My 2019 Hyundai Sonata-SE For 4 Years – 12/25/2023

1 year ago

Yeap, I can’t believe it either, but, it’s been four years now. So, I did start filming the next day, December 21st, BUT, I got caught up in a call and other things at home & did not finish the video until Christmas Day! So, there you have it. Unfortunately, throughout the course of this year, 2023, things with this car took an unfortunate turn for the worse! The one thing I did not touch up on enough in this video is the two other times this car laid down on me this year, including being stuck in Albany for a month with this knock sensor problem. So, this car was down for almost a combined time of 3 months this year! So, I in turn had to drive my truck a lot this year!

To view this on my You Tube channel:


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