Merry Christmas To You!

1 year ago

Merry Christmas From The Rumble Video Channel “KimberlyMac” at Heart To Heart! A Video Channel where Christmas happens all year round as we celebrate Jesus daily with His incredible Word coming alive for us in our reality of truth. Heart To Heart we position ourselves underneath the Rulership of His Love as we anchor our life roots deeply in Him, as we listen up to Him through the 1 Minute Encouragement Videos posted here to bless and encourage everyone and draw us, draw us to God in a vital-vertical relationship with Him. Jesus, our personal Savior, HE made it personal when He came here to us, a grand gesture of love that we will NEVER get over.

As we stay Heart To Heart with God this Christmas and every single day, our amazing Awe-GOD Who is with us, Who is for us, the very ONE WHO Came here to us, we become His beautiful family of faith, hope and love.

Today we pray for each of our heart to heart viewers asking God to bless you in that way only He can and we heartily say to each of You, Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year!

Miraculously Merrily So, we close this year with the most beautiful, scripture about our Father God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit and we pray its truth into the hearts of mankind:

For here is the way God loved the world—He gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.
“God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it! John 3:16-17

Dig Deeper This Christmas:

PS… A special thank you and blessing prayed for the Rumble Platform and all those who own it and maintain it. We are grateful for this Rumble Platform, for the freedom of speech found here is highly valued by us all. May God bless this Rumble platform in the new year and protect it, and the freedom contained in it, in that way only He can. Thank you Rumble!

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