Truest Love

1 year ago

Heart To Heart! Merry Christmas To You And Yours. I listened to a beautiful Christmas Song today called: Manager Throne by Phil Wickham. It really reinforced how I feel about Christmas, about Jesus coming here to us and how He chose meekness over majesty. He came here to us as the best story of love we would ever be told. From heaven to the cradle, from the cradle to the cross, to death which could not hold Him. This is our King. Jesus, loved us with what love should be like, a love that we can’t even begin to wrap our earthly-finite minds around. Never has anyone been loved on this side of heaven like He loved us, a King of heaven coming to us to be found on a manger throne, meekness over majesty, the power of God wrapped in humanity.

Today we Heart To Heart stand in Awe of Jesus Christ, our King, who came here to us, a King so worthy of our praise! God made it personal with us, a big grand gesture of love to us, so we could have a personal relationship with Him. It is hard to wrap our minds around the way God does things, but He has great purpose in every method of delivery, like the delivery of King Jesus as a baby in human form. This was the greatest love expression ever to be known to mankind.

God loves us with an incredible love, an awesome Awe-GOD love. Take a moment today to reflect on this Truest Christmas Gift, Jesus Christ. Experience this amazing, miraculously-merrily-so love of God. God’s love is truth in action, it is trustworthy integrity, it is unconditionally given and we should receive it with arms open wide, we should do everything possible by us to make peace with God, to make room for Him in our hearts and our lives. This Father God, wanting so much to have a relationship with His children, that He sent His only begotten Son, here to us, incarnate, God in the flesh. Let this truth activate your faith, activate your Christmas passion so you can be so, be like Jesus in all meekness, humility, selflessness and love. God bless your day.

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