Swift Power Animal

3 months ago

There’s about 100 species of the graceful swift in the world. They’re known for their aerial acrobatics and incredible migration patterns. They have streamlined bodies, long wings, and a distinctive forked tail which gives them exceptional flying abilities. The freedom loving swift spends most of their time in the air, sometimes flying continuously for months without landing. They can reach high speeds and are highly skilled hunters, capable of catching insects while in flight. They’re often seen swarming the skies in large numbers with perfect agility.

The common swift can be found from urban areas to rural landscapes. Their lifecycle involves long migratory journeys from Europe to Africa and back. The monogamous swift builds their nests in cavities in buildings, cliffs, or trees using their saliva to glue together feathers, bits of vegetation, and other materials. The swift parents work hard together to incubate and feed their hatchlings until it’s time for fledging. They usually return to the same nesting site each year.

The common swift is a symbol of adaptability, endurance, and independence. When you want to navigate a challenge with flexibility and focus, call on the the spirit of the swift. Be sure to check out our website for a free power animal reading to learn which animal resonates with your nature. Thank you for subscribing and have a great day.

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