definitely not a pepper *at a low point we were a prepper

6 months ago

whenever you're sad people frantically try to change yer mind
if you're always positive how are you ever truly uplifted
this is why they act so contrived all the time
*actually they just assume that you had sex hahaha
society puts this pressure on itself to never be disappointed
i'm not wallowing i promise
the ones that accuse you of wallowing believe in SSRIs
either lie to the world or lie to yourself
i guess i chose a life of total isolation
most are not willing to sit in their negativity
what if there ain't nothin to fix
i just read about this very thing in Romans 8:20
no amt of distractions will take you away from this futility
my world view has always been quite dystopian
the Bible is more of an instruction manual than anything
comedians are comedians for a reason

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