This WKOUT - Countdown To New Year - Day #26 Combat & Back & Shoulders

6 months ago

This year we have done 11 challenges.

Some months you have had 71 NEW WKOUT’s

We are a team & we are committed to end the year right. We train right up until December the 31st.

We don’t end our training in November, we don’t just stop our online programs, and I don’t take time away, just because I can & wait to pounce and take advantage of you feeling crappy in January and February.

We’ve worked hard to make sure all year we have stayed consistent & December is no different for us.

I will see you right through to the new year as always .. so let’s finish wee five in style.

We start again with NEW Goals & New Programs in the new year so get ready. 🔥

Join the countdown to new year challenge.

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This WKOUT - Countdown To New Year - Day #26 Combat & Back & Shoulders

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