On the Last Night of the Year (Pre-distribution preview)

1 year ago

Single pre-distribution preview from the upcoming album "Outside Looking Inn" by Jael the Musicman

The Christmas album, “Outside Looking Inn” (The Great Reset Chronicles Volume 2) is a hair’s breadth away from being finished. For the second time, trying to be obedient to the will of God, we have faced severe spiritual opposition to our efforts. The last time we were simply stunned by the intensity of the opposition. This time however, we see a possible reason that will cause a great result. It is going to take a response from us to bring it about.

The album we have been prevented from finishing on schedule is still getting out, even in bits and pieces. It is a Christmas record more relevant after Christmas than leading up to it. It won’t probably be fully available until mid February but by then the next relevant piece will also be available. I’ll let you track down what that will be elsewhere and leave you with the tease. (Hint: It is not Volume 3 which will come later. God willing.)

This track is finished. There are more and they will be coming soon in advance of formal release. The physical CD will be available eventually by donation and Volume 1 is out of stock but should be back soon along with the re-release of a large catalog from the label as God allows financially. We have only a few copies of about a dozen titles currently available and a few recordings are well stocked.

In the meantime keep track of these pieces and spread the word. The response we need is that you see value in what we are doing, that you pray for us, and that you become whatever part of the team God is calling you to be. At least forward the video to someone who might like it. People who will be served by the music include, but are not limited to; prog-rockers, Christians or conservatives, people who hate Christmas because of negative associations, people who struggle with the aftermath of the season, and realists who need hope.

If you would like a free copy of the lyric e-book, send a request to jaelslist@gmail.com. You’ll get the book and also a free subscription to our newsletter. You can cancel that anytime if you don’t like it.

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