Starmer calls for a ceasefire whilst stood in front of a tank!

7 months ago

Starmer's trip to Estonia and his Christmas card this year, have brought photographic hilarity and ridicule in equal measure.
Right, so Keir Starmer is well and truly on the ceasefire in Gaza bandwagon now that Rishi Sunak has jumped first, the Labour leader ready, willing and able to match the Tories policy on policy because that’s the kind of leader he is, the sort that follows, though whether he means any of it given that he’s bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby remains to be seen, I certainly won’t be taking his word for it, the man lies like Boris Johnson on an off day.
Starmer is currently in Estonia posing in fatigues, despite Estonia being a perfectly safe country to travel to right now, not engaged in warfare, but does share a border with Russia and goodness knows the guy loves to look tough, so cue lots of upshots from cameramen to detract from Starmer’s now obvious Napoleon Complex – fancies himself as playing a part in global warfare, but just don’t draw attention to his height. Speaking of which have you seen his Xmas card? More on that in a minute.
Starmer chose to talk ceasefire in Gaza to camera whilst dressed in combat gear and stood in front of a tank. The optics tell us more about you than your words ever could and the camera doesn’t lie like a rug, like he does.
Right so this is a video of two halves really, the Napoleon Complex of Keir Starmer, also called small man syndrome, where those of a more diminutive stature, nothing wrong with that in and of itself of course, except in those individuals who make up for their lack of height in aggressiveness and attitude and in Starmer’s case certainly a helluva lot of ego.
But let’s start with his little hard man trip to Estonia, where he spoke to Sky News about his desire to see a ceasefire in Gaza, all mere weeks after losing 10 members of his frontbench because he was completely opposed to it of course, but now that the even smaller Rishi Sunak has come out in favour of a sort-of ceasefire, a sustainable ceasefire, rather than an immediate or permanent one, a David Cameron PR exercise basically, Starmer is right there in his coat-tails, but he’s gone one better because he’s raided Mr Benn’s dressing up shop and played soldier whilst he did it, in a warehouse, in not a tall war-torn Estonia, talking ceasefire, in front of the biggest gun he could find, stuck on the front of a tank! Who’s genius idea was that? Is John McTernan advising Labour again?
So what did Starmer have to say for himself then? Well, he said:
‘I do support a sustainable ceasefire and what we’re arguing for is a return to the position we were in just a few weeks ago when the hostilities did cease and provided the opportunity for hostages to be released, provided the opportunity for very much needed humanitarian aid to get into Gaza, but most importantly provided a foothold for a political process to actually resolve this in favour of a two state solution…We are strongly in favour of a two state solution and that has to be something which international partners are very, very clear about and is not in the gift of Israel.’

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