The Eternal Internal Gift: Our Soul’s Song

11 months ago

January 12 - a daily inspirational commentary by James Blanchard Cisneros. Together, let us gently awaken the world.

There is a gift that resides within – that most of us have yet to fully unwrap. Today, let us access what has always been ours to open, experience, share and enjoy. God’s inheritance is forever ours, because we are forever His. In order to get to fully experience and enjoy our inheritance, we must be willing to accept it as ours. Many times, it is because we unconsciously feel unworthy of God’s inheritance that we decide not to fully open, experience and enjoy it. Today, let us set aside the ego’s programming that says that we are not worthy of God’s gifts. Let us instead recall that, as Love’s creations, we are forever worthy of all of the Divine’s manifestations. When we allow our natural state to flow, love and light extend through us and out to everyone and all.

Today, let our goal be to sing our soul’s song. This is the song that we have co-written with God. Let us recall that God, being Perfect, only creates Perfectly. So our song is perfect for us and for this world. Your soul’s song is sacred and unique to you. It is what you have come into this world to sing and share. There are innumerable ways that you can sing your soul’s song. Today focus your time on aligning with the energy of Love, and sharing your unique expression. This can have numerous forms, such as sharing what you are passionate about, what brings you joy, peace and understanding, to becoming an example of forgiveness and compassion. You are here now because this world needs to hear your song. Today, align with your soul’s song and all those who can benefit from it will be presented to you.

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