Looking Back at our Past with Peace Instead of Pain

11 months ago

January 7 - a daily inspirational commentary by James Blanchard Cisneros. Together, let us gently help awaken the world.
The ego has programmed us to condemn others and ourselves for having in the past experienced difficult and tiring times. It tries to convince us that we experienced them in that manner because we were bad or weren’t wise or spiritual enough. Today we practice reversing the thinking of the ego’s world, and make the conscious decision to try and see and understand those difficult times as the blessings that they truly were. For many times we need to deal with people and situations in a “negative” abrasive manner over and over again to truly get that this is not really us, nor how we want to be, act, react, or interact with others. But it was only because we went through those times over and over again that we finally got tired of their results and thus started looking for a better, kinder, gentler, more loving and self-loving way. And so every one of those times which the ego has programmed us to judge ourselves for were actually steps on a ladder that helped release us from our pain and enabled us to reach a more peaceful place.

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