This Year It Is You Who Becomes the Hero of Your Journey

1 year ago

January 1 - a daily inspirational commentary by James Blanchard Cisneros. Together, let us gently help awaken the world.

This New Year’s Day, when the calendar reminds you that you can once again begin anew, recall that it is you who should be writing and starring as the hero of your journey. You have been gifted free will, the power to do with the present moment as you wish. Do you wish for greater peace of mind and joy in your life? Do you desire to become a more compassionate person? Do you want to feel more passionate about your life? Do you hope to achieve a higher level of consciousness, and develop a deeper level of self-awareness? Wouldn’t you become the hero of your journey if you increasingly brought all these energetic expressions and experiences into your life? All these energetic expressions radiate the Love and Light in you. Love is who you are, and is the energetic expression of the Creator.

Today, become the hero of your journey by deciding to align with and humbly represent Love, God on Earth. When you do, a sense of fulfillment will be felt, because in essence you will be doing what you were created to do. Peace of mind and joy are both signs of when people are aligned with Love, and their mission. If a lack of peace or joy result, do not judge yourself or others. Simply recognize it as a sign that you are out of alignment with your mission. The more you practice expressing Love, the more you will feel worthy and capable of shining Love’s light. Filled with Love’s light, it will overflow, and your natural desire will then be to offer it to others. Those who need a reminder of their true nature will be sent to you. You will be grateful for their presence in your life. For you will see it as a sign of God’s trust in you.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros


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