True Myth Of The Great Society Only Are Government Is Capable Of Tyranny Wow

5 months ago

True Myth Of The Great Society Only Are Government Is Capable Of Tyranny Ronald Reagan delivered a critique of the growth of government and President Lyndon Johnson’s policies in this speech called “The Myth of the Great Society.” The film was donated to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, and the exact date and location of Mr. Reagan’s remarks are unknown, but the library believes it was in New York in 1966 the same year that Ronald Reagan won his campaign for California governor. In 1966, shortly before announcing his candidacy for governor of California, Ronald Reagan gave this speech. It was only recently posted by the Reagan Presidential Library, so research into the date of the speech will be needed. The video indicates it took place at Patton Center New York. (A footnote in What's Fair on the Air? indicates the Patton Center is/was in the Bronx.)

04/18/2021: I have received a message stating the following: I have learned that the speech that we remember as "The Myth of The Great Society" was given on Tuesday, September 28, 1965, at 8:00 PM. The location was New Haven Arena, New Haven CT. In addition, The General George Patton Center for Buckley (formerly, The General George Patton Center for Goldwater) was actually just a storefront and small office, located at 2603 Webster Avenue in The Bronx, NY. It could not have held the crowd of 4,000 - 4,500 who attended. Thank you.

I haven't even announced yet, you make me think I've been elected. Ladies and gentlemen, you have given me a welcome that is so heartwarming it's something I will remember always. In addition, if I had no such reasons at all to be happy about the... the form of the greeting and the introductions and all here tonight, I could be grateful because, every once in a while being introduced I get self-conscious when they begin to introduce me and start mentioning the pictures that I've been in. Now I don't mean that I'm ashamed of them, but everyone who's been around Hollywood for any length of time has been in some movies that the studio didn't want them good, it wanted them Thursday. And I've had my share, but at the ye... in the old times you usually could count on the passing years making you forget those pictures. Now you just stay up late enough at night in front of the TV set they all come back to haunt us. Sometimes I think it's like looking at a son you never knew you had.

[Laughter and Applause]

That takes a second doesn't it. I have a friend in the business who stays up late to look at his old movies just to watch his hairline recede.

But you know I've been protesting the growth of government for a number of years. I've had a concern, lest the permanent structure of government become so big that it would become beyond the control of Congress and beyond the will of the people and I have believed that this is a problem that crosses party lines. I've seen an interesting development down through the years, when I first suggested the danger of government control inherent in so many federal handouts there were people who denied vehemently that every... any such thing could ever take place. And yet before too long the same people were saying, "What's wrong with government control?" and in the recent days we've heard representatives in the higher echelons of government asked us "Well, are you afraid of your own government?" Well, to tell you the truth I am and all of us should be.


And I speak not in a partisan sense of an administration or individuals. I'm talking of the institution of government. Wasn't this the admonition of the founding fathers? That government tends to grow, to take on power until freedom eventually is lost. The fact is and we can't escape it, only government is capable of tyranny. Now, I realize this is a controversial subject, particularly as we approach an election year, but then if you didn't take up things that were controversial you'd never talk at all. There was a man knocked on a door one day and a small boy answered and the man said "Son is your father home?" and the boy said "No." he said "Is your mother home?" and the boy said "No." and finally he said, "Well son, I'm your uncle on your father's side." and the kid said, "Well I guess you can come in but I'll tell you right now you're on the wrong side."


In 1772 the Boston Committee of Correspondence proclaimed the right to life, liberty, and property. Two years later, in Philadelphia, the First Continental Congress declared that Americans were entitled to life, liberty, and property. In June of 1776, the Virginia Bill of Rights asserted that all men were equally free and independent with a means of possessing and the right to possess and acquire property. And three weeks later came the Declaration of Independence, a bloody war, victory, and then a new nation which would be based on a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. "Life, liberty, and property" had become "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And seventy years would go by before England's Lord Acton would comment on the task of these men and what they had accomplished with this document. He would say they had solved two problems which had heretofore baffled the most enlightened nations. They had prodigiously increased the power of the national government and had founded it on the principle of equality without surrendering the security for freedom and property. And it's true our Constitution is a contract guaranteeing the most limited and equitable government in the long history of man's relation to man. Now, however, while the national power is prodigious, what has happened to security for freedom and our right to the ownership of the fruit of our toil. The French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville a hundred years ago said "The end of freedom comes when the party in power learns it can perpetuate itself through taxation." Well, what does happen to freedom when the executive branch of government can use the money taken from the people in order to coerce the people. A foolish fear? Representative Glenn Andrews introduced an amendment to the poverty program on the floor of Congress. It is almost inconceivable that such an amendment would be required. It is even more inconceivable that the amendment was overwhelmingly repudiated and defeated. It was a simple amendment that would prohibit poverty funds from being used for political purposes. Make no mistake about it, the party in power has legislated into existence a 1 billion, 800 million dollar campaign fund for 1966.


Five years ago we reached a new frontier, and now we're face to face with a Great Society and along the way we've added 31 billion dollars to our depth, but we've decreased our gold holdings until concern is felt for the solvency of our currency. And very shortly the coins we jingle in our pocket will no longer have the ring of silver, but have no fear we reach something of the height of absurdity when in a press conference recently we were told that the government would stand behind those artificial coins and was prepared to exchange them anytime... for paper.


We've discovered that every family of and with an income of less than three thousand dollars a year is poverty-stricken. At the same time we learned that the cost of government prorates out to $3,300 per family. We reach an all-time high in food prices, as every housewife here knows, but the farmer who produces that food receives the lowest percentage of the market basket dollar he's ever received in history, and his debt in relation to income is at an all-time high, higher even than on the eve of the 1929 crash. Four and a half years ago... five years ago, there were no daily casualty lists, no wives and mothers receiving telegrams that began, "We regret to inform you..." The last campaign found our opponents presenting themselves as conservatives, in the sense that they would make no drastic change in our easy prosperous and affluent way. They would maintain the status quo. That's Latin for the mess we're in.


We, on the other hand, were presented as radicals who would bring about some cataclysmic upheaval.

Well, now the wraps are off the Great Society, and a multitude of messages and legislation has made it plain we're to have the welfare state with an unprecedented federalization of American Life. June 30th last, Congress raised the debt limit for the seventh time in five years but our government spends two hundred and sixty million dollars a day, ten million dollars more each day than we were spending just a year ago. We are told that we're enjoying an unprecedented prosperity but forty-two government agencies, the government has just informed us, are spending 70 billion dollars a year on public welfare, and serious discussion is given by men in high place in government, to the idea that there is no longer any necessity to connect work with income, and that a man simply by being born should be assured of an annual income, with no need to work. The ancient Hebrew book the Talmud tells us that, for a father to fail to teach his son to earn a living is the same as teaching him to steal, for that might be the inevitable result.


Our limited government, with its decentralized powers, has given way to planners and they've laid an increasingly heavy hand in every facet of our lives. To quote de Tocqueville again he warned that such a government would cover the face of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, and thus the will of man is not shattered, but softened and guided, until the nation is reduced to a flock of timid and industrious animals of which government is the shepherd. Well, the shepherd, the president, is fond of quoting in these days from the scriptures. His favorite seems to be first Isaiah, the eighteenth verse, "Come let us reason together." Now that has a sort of a warm and cozy sound, doesn't it? But let your eyes stray down a line or two into the next verses, the lines that are not quoted aloud, "If ye refuse, ye shall be devoured with the sword."


Freedom... freedom is very fragile. We've only known a few moments of it in all man's history and most of those moments have taken place here, in this land, under this constitutional system, and under our economic system of free enterprise. But freedom is also indivisible. It isn't spelled with an S. You can't elect to be partly free and partly slave. You're free or you're not free. If we ever decide we need a new Declaration of Independence, I hope we'll keep one line from the old, "He has sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. Today, for every 10,000 of us it only takes 12 doctors to keep us well and healthy. It only takes 40 mechanics and oil station attendants for every 10,000 of us to keep our automobiles running. 37 telephone employees to keep the vast network of telephones running in this country. But it takes a 130 federal employees for every 10,000 to administer the affairs of State.

Federal employees outnumber state employees in 30 of the 50 states. I don't know about yours, but that's true of California and in California that isn't easy. The businessman harassed and eaten out of our substance. The businessman spends 35 percent of his time filling out government forms and regulations. It has been estimated... [Applause] It has been estimated that this government paperwork costs American industry 20 billion dollars a year which must be added into the price tag and it costs another 7 billion dollars a year just to handle government's end of that paperwork and to store it and already it requires 25 million cubic million cubic feet. Sometime back, to show you how this can happen, there was a little New England town that decided to get in on the surplus food idea. Now this is a good idea. No one can quarrel with the fact that if we can raise a surplus rather than waste it should be distributed to those people who have need. So this little town got in on this and got its share of free federal surplus food. And then they woke up one day and discovered that they were being flooded under a great load of paperwork, demanded in connection with this handout, and they discovered finally they put on so many new city employees just to handle this that it was cheaper to get out of the program and buy the groceries retail at the corner market. Now, we've declared war on poverty. Now, no one, again, quarrels with the humanitarian aim I don't think any one of us want to be like the fella that heard about the war on poverty went right out and threw a hand grenade at a beggar. But in getting the program passed, we heard a great deal about one state, West Virginia. Oh this became a household word... this was the very center of poverty and distress and unemployment some of us thought that the whole war would be fought right there in West Virginia. Now the program is adopted, West Virginia gets $400,000, Texas gets 10 million.


We're winning the war though at least on one front... on their own bureaucratic home grounds... $19,000 a year is a good salary and it's a very high rate of pay in government salaries. As a matter of fact there's only one employee out of a thousand in the Department of Defense gets $19,000 a year. Only one out of 500 in the Department of Agriculture. But in the new poverty program, there's 1 out of 19. Gum Springs, Virginia was awarded seventy-four thousand dollars: fifty-four thousand for administrators salaries 20 thousand for the poor.

While...[Applause] while one voice in government tells us that we're enjoying this great prosperity, another voice tells us that one out of five in our country is suffering from poverty and destitution. Now, if that figure is true it shouldn't be too hard to find the people who need the help under this program. Well in my hometown of Dixon, Illinois a committee of ten, self-appointed, beholden to no voters, has established itself and asked the government for a thirty-eight thousand dollar grant so they can go on a search to find out if there's any poverty there. It breaks down... it breaks down to ten thousand two hundred dollars for the chairman and seventy two hundred dollars each for two assistants and the balance will go for secretaries, mailing, office expense, and travel. In another area more than two thousand college graduates have been hired as a part of the program to study the culture of poverty. Now no one disagrees with the youth portion of that program, the idea that we should salvage, if possible, those young people who, for whatever reason, have failed to fit themselves for the responsibilities of adult life. But we take over a hotel, and we install their young ladies who have been lifted from destitute families and now they're to be trained so they'll be self-reliant and can go out on their own and make a living, but while they're being retrained they're given maid service so they won't have to make their own beds. And the program pro-rates out to seven thousand dollars a year for each young lady we're going to help. There are a lot of families in this country raising fine productive citizens on less than seven thousand dollars a year.


I can think of no higher, more noble purpose than to take young men and to make sure that they get an equal chance in the start in life. But we have such a program now, and we put the young men in camps for retraining and we pay them a higher rate of pay than we give the young man who puts on a uniform and goes out to defend his country.


I am sure that all of us are agreed, every responsible citizen is agreed, that we should provide shelter for those people who through no fault of their own lack adequate housing. And for some time the government has provided public housing, but now those who administer the program of expressed concern after almost three decades of it. Concern because an entire generation has grown up raising children and a second and a third generation now are growing up taking it for granted that this is an acceptable way of life and there is no incentive for them to improve themselves, because to get a raise might destroy their eligibility for continuing to live on a subsidy in the public housing. And yet never does government accept that it might be responsible with some of its programs for this trend or this tendency. No, now we're going to have a program subsidizing rents and under the technicalities of the program people with incomes up to 11 or 12 thousand dollars a year will be eligible to live in a house or apartment or a neighborhood beyond their means with their thrifty new neighbors taxed to help pay the differential in their rent. A variety of programs have diluted private property rights so that public interest is anything the planners decide it should be. For generations we've had traditional laws of eminent domain. We have recognized the occasional need of government to take a citizen's property when there is a clear and present need for that particular piece of property in the public interest. But the citizen had his day in court first to establish that the government paid a fair price and second that the government should be forced to prove that there was a clear and present need. Now, urban renewal grants the government the right to force the sale of private property for resale by government to other private citizens who can then use that property to make profit, and we have average selling urban renewal properties to private citizens for 30% of the investment that we the taxpayers have in that property. Again I say, the purpose is noble, the idea of providing decent homes for every American and eliminating slums, but 1 million people have been displaced with a bulldozer and have wound up in new slums paying a higher rent. The law says the displaced must be offered standard housing, at rents they can afford, in convenient locations. But if standard housing at rents they could afford in convenient locations had been available they wouldn't have needed an urban renewal program they'd have moved there on their own.


Robert Weaver, the federal housing commissioner, has said in the beginning, he has made this statement public, the government gave the use of the land to the people to speed its development. Now I didn't remember history that way, I thought we were here and on the land and we created the government, but he says...[Applause] but he has announced now it is the policy of the government to seek to reclaim complete control of the use of the land. Planes equipped with surveying instruments fly over American farms. They survey from the air accurately to see whether the farmer has violated his planting allotment, and if he has, he's guilty as charged. No day in court and he's fined and if he can't pay the fine the regulations prescribed the government can seize his farm and sell it at auction to enforce the payment of that fine.

For 30 years we've had a farm program we've spent billions to make the farmer more prosperous and to remove unneeded surplus land from farm production to reduce the surplus and during that same period the national income has tripled, but the farmers income is smaller than it was 30 years ago and we've increased the number of acres in cultivation by 50 million. Every dollar that we spent on price stabilization in 1948 we are today spending twenty-five dollars. We've reduced the number of farms by half and the government says another two and a half million farmers are unneeded and must be retrained and moved to city jobs. Meanwhile, at the same time, the Appalachian program provides millions of dollars to reclaim marginal land so that the unemployed can be made farmers in that area and add to the present farm surplus. And an ominous question remains unanswered, who will decide which citizens must leave the land and how will the decision be made. How also will we explain that the same government that says that we need only 1 million large commercial farms now, that there is no need for the small family farmer, is still the government that tells us with another voice that no farm of over 160 acres can receive water from federal irrigation projects. Somehow one suspects that government, in all of its involvement in the farm program, will turn out to be something less and a Jolly Green Giant.


Meanwhile the network of rules grows more minute and more uniform, as de Tocqueville warned. Down on the Mason-Dixon line, on a highway that is used by northerners taking vacations in the south is an oil station. Very enterprising fella running it. A little triangular ground, you know, between the sidewalk and the driveway that so often is covered with gravel or paved over. He planted a few cotton bushes there. Now when a tourist stops in from the north he gives him... picks a cotton ball off the bush right there in front of them and hands it to them as a souvenir of their trip to the South. He's just been fined by the federal government for planting cotton without an allotment.

The Post Office just recently... the Post Office was exposed as been... having, for the last couple of years, taken mail... letters addressed to citizens from the mail and turning them over the Internal Revenue Service if those citizens were... behind or delinquent in the paying of their income tax.

And now we learn that Washington is going to subsidize art and literature. The plan calls for two czars with millions of dollars which way they will apportion on the basis of what they consider is meaningful in art and literature. Well now, if they follow the pattern of some of the government-sponsored scientific research programs there is reason for concern. I'm not a scientist, but I sometimes have a suspicion that the government is subsidizing just plain intellectual curiosity, when I see thousands of dollars spent on "Research in phylogeny and faunal affinities of fossil Bryozoa in the middle Ordovician through Silurian." Now the only thing I understand in that is that phrase "in the middle" there I know who they're talking about.


But nothing is too small for the government to overlook. The government in Washington is now concerned with our ability to enjoy ourselves in the great outdoors, recreational facilities. They've just issued 134 page booklet on the subject. It's full of profundities I wonder how we managed to get along without it up 'til now. For example, if you lay out a campsite, you should provide drinking fountains at such a height that the drinking level is convenient for the persons using the fountain. But wait 'til you get... wait 'til you get to the exciting chapter on wildlife. Insects crawling into the ears of outdoorsmen sometimes create painful conditions. I got news for them, it's no fun when it happens indoors.


That isn't all they have to say about wildlife. If your recreational area has a bathhouse intended for the use of both men and women, it should be divided into two parts by a tight partition. Now you know we'd have never thought of that one by ourselves.


Honestly though, I know that they only mean to be helpful. I know that it's really human nature... they're motivated by the most humanitarian of idealism. It's just natural for them to see the problems and see the immediate problem and to suggest, "Oh if we had a little more money a little more power of what we could do for the people."

Now in an atmosphere of emergency and excessive zeal for our welfare the federal government proposes to invade an area the traditional province of the local community and state. The finest public school system in all the world. With no real determination yet that the federal government is the best manager of our educational affairs. A suspicion prevails that they're not so much interested in speeding progress as they are in asserting authority in every conceivable aspect of the educational system. An educational system that has worked very well and has been responsive to parental opinion but Washington insists that it only wants to help solve the financial problems attended on our rapid growth. Well problems there are particularly because the federal government in recent years has dried up so many sources of revenue... of local revenue by usurping those sources for its own tax policies.


But that same government has figures that reveal that we at the local level in the last decade have increased school revenue by a hundred and fifty six percent. We have built in ten years thirty billion dollars worth of classrooms. We have reduced the ratio of pupil to teacher and pupil to classroom and we have increased the average teacher's salary by sixty five percent. And yet every suggestion that we make for earmarking tax money and allowing it to remain at the local level without running it through those puzzle palaces on the Potomac first, is met with great resistance. Already there are a hundred and thirty five separate federal agencies and officers doling out money at the college level.

Some time ago a group of distinguished college presidents, alarmed at the extent to which academic freedom has been compromised by these vast money grants, went to Washington and they had a proposal they'd worked out. A proposal for allowing the individual citizen to compute his income tax and then deduct a specified amount and contribute it to the college of his choice instead of paying it in income tax. And the government would... the government would be allowed to determine the proper amount that would solve the problem and yet not disrupted the government's own economy or need for revenue. And thus they would get around the question of church and state the separation of saying that an individual citizen chose to contribute his money to a church supported school. Over and over again in Washington they kept asking, "But why won't this system work?" and finally a Freudian slip occurred. Francis Keppel, United States Director of Education blurted out, "You don't understand, under the plan you proposed, we couldn't achieve our social objectives." Social objectives. And now we uncover a memorandum thanks to the press, actually, a memorandum in the community relations service of the poverty program has nothing really to do with education but the memorandum is very disturbing in this sentence. "We should conduct a systematic effort to contact all publishers and school boards to encourage their publication and adoption of textbooks conforming to established standards." Well if the government is going to build the schools, and buy the books, issue scholarships, make judgments and exert pressure, what if, one day, that pressure is of a political nature not to our liking?

Education is the bulwark of freedom but you remove it too far from the community and the parents control and education becomes the tool of tyranny.


Already here and there in our land, there are too many students that are studying from textbooks that devote a chapter to public welfare and not one line to Patrick Henry.


Sometimes when you look at the problem you think that governments like a baby. It's an alimentary canal with an appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. We're taxed in our food and our drink and our shelter with the government taking a higher percentage from the productive free economy than any government has ever done in history without ruin. So-called tax reform when it is suggested whines up is the old shell game they just rearranged it shifted around and apply at someplace else as we discovered with the so-called tax cut we thought we had.


Our tax policy today is based in the idea that we're robbing Peter to pay Paul. Well we'd better take another look... we're robbing Paul to pay Paul and we're all named Paul... Peter went bankrupt a long time ago.

Inflation planned and deliberate over the last three decades has reduced the value of our dollar to thirty five and a half cents. Well, how did this come about? Well, mainly because we have perverted our constitution, perverted it with regard to a welfare clause that doesn't exist, perverted it with regard to the misuse of the taxation system, perverted with regard to the interpretation of the clauses on Interstate Commerce, and we've done it under such high sounding phrases as the "greatest good for the greatest number" or "one-man one-vote" forgetting that majority rule becomes mob rule unless there is a set of ground rules protecting the individual.

One's right to life... one's right-to-life to Liberty to the freedom of worship, to speak, to assemble, in short, our god-given unalienable rights, may not be submitted to a vote. The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to forever put them beyond reach of majority rule. A hundred years ago, the problem of the nation was a nation half-slave and half-free and whether such a nation could survive. And today it's a world half-slave and half-free and whether mankind himself can survive. We call out to the guard in the night and ask, "Does all go well?" and echoing back from the shores of the Potomac comes the word "There's nothing to fear." Nothing to fear but an evil enemy who since World War II has increased the enslavement from 8% of the world's population to near forty percent. Every lesson of history tells us that as a nation has grown in culture and refinement and advanced it has softened and when confronted by the barbarian, the less cultured, the barbarians have triumphed. You and I have come to our moment of truth.

Does men exist only by permission of and for the sake of the state, a group marching toward eternity in a super ant heap or does he control his own destiny? This is a question that must be answered by all of us regardless of party.

To those who are Democrats, ask yourselves if the leadership of your party still follows the precepts of Jefferson, Jackson, and Cleveland. Take the platform of 1932 on which Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected, with its demand for a 25% reduction in the cost of the federal government, for restoration of constitutional limits on the power of that government, for a return to the states and the local communities and the individuals of the rights that had been taken from them. Ask which party would be most at home today with those promises. I know that the bond of party loyalty is very strong. I was a Democrat most of my life. I know it is hard to to make a change from party loyalty and the party of your lifelong choice, without a feeling that you are being treasonable, or unfair. I say to you have no feeling of disloyalty if you have decided you no longer can follow the leadership of that party tonight because the leadership of that party has long since abandoned you.


And now to those of us of another party, to those who are Republicans. Today, the Republican Party is the vehicle we must use as the party of opposition... opposition to the misguided leadership at home and opposition to all the evil abroad that threatens the dignity and freedom of man in every land. And it's an awesome responsibility and you and I who are Republicans cannot meet it with a splintered party. For too long, we have been Republicans complete with descriptive adjectives and hyphens before the word Republican. Moderate-Republicans, Liberal-Republicans, Conservative-Republicans, whatever label we chose, the truth is we've been Sucker-Republicans.


Those adjectives and those hyphens were given to us by our opponents and the time has come to bundle them up and give them back.


If you have to hang on to the hyphen just be a Good or a Republican-Republican. We can cringe in the shadow of a philosophy we detest but fear to challenge or we can rise from a defeat and begin the second round of our struggle to restore the Republic. And now there are those among us, there are Republicans today who understandably so hungry to get back to the position that we once held, to re-establish some equality in this two-party system, restore the imbalance we now have, who has suggested, even somewhat cynically, that maybe we should start talking to voter blocks and making promises that perhaps we should even reshape our party in the image of the victorious party, on the basis that perhaps an imitation might get more votes than we've been attracting. Well I'd like to suggest there is a block we can appeal to. It's a voter bloc of millions and millions of people it crosses party lines, ethnic lines, religious and racial lines, economic lines. It's made up of millions of unsung heroes; people who get up in the morning send their kids to school and go to work they contribute to their church and their charity and their community. They believe that they were created in God's image and that God is the author of their rights and freedom and their disturbed because their children can no longer ask God's blessing in a schoolroom.


I say to you that bloc... that bloc of voters can be ours, not if we come to them with any imitation or air sets program but only if we're willing to stand on principle. Yes, let's be willing to tell them that we too want to solve and will solve as to the best of our ability the problems of poverty and hunger and health and old-age and unemployment, but we believe we can do that without resulting to undue compulsion and fiscal irresponsibility. That we believe we can put a floor beneath which no American will be asked to live in degradation but at the same time we will not erect a ceiling above which no citizen can fly without being penalized for his initiative in his effort.


And let us tell them that, hard though the problems may be that face us on the world scene, we will not buy our protection from the threat of the bomb by trading away the freedom of people in other lands not ours to give.


And let's tell them that if their sons are going to be asked to fight and die for their country, at the same time they'll be allowed to win.


To all Republicans today entrusted with this responsibility because it is ours, I say look deep in your own hearts and ask yourselves if you possibly can have any difference with any other Republican but is more important from this challenge that faces us tonight. If you have if you're unwilling to meet this challenge then you'd better start preparing... deciding what you'll tell your children it was that you found more important than freedom... they'll want to know.

A Time for Choosing 1964-1984-2001-Today-UN-2030 Ronald Reagan. We The People Of The World... Is This The Real Proof That We Are Out There. This Rumble Channel 560+ Video's Try To Answers and Question and Investigates the world’s most mysterious videos, old tech photos, and films and uses of the best old and new technology and some experts try to render a true and credible verdict. This Rumble Channel analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including deep conspiracies, and many other real cases. We takes nothing for granted in a quest for answers, tracking down eyewitnesses, putting each photo or film through a battery of tests, calling out the hoaxes, and highlighting the most credible evidence in an attempt to better understand our world.
The Speech" is what Ronald Reagan called it. Today we call it, "A Time for Choosing," and it was a pivotal turning point in Ronald Reagan's life.

Most Of The People In This Video Are Dead Now ? So If You Are Alive And 20 Years Old In The Year 1964 The Time Of This This Video Is Made. You Are Dead Or Over 80+ Years Old Now. So We The People Vote For Socialism In 1964 ?

Such is the case with this statement made by President Ronald Reagan at that press conference in 1986. Reagan summarized his long-held suspicions about the effectiveness and morality of the role of government in people’s lives by saying, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

Ronald Reagan began a long side-career of public speaking as his acting career closed out. He traveled across the country meeting Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce and any other civic-minded local groups. This continued and intensified during his service as the General Electric spokesperson while hosting their sponsored television series. "The Speech" was delivered in various forms and to different audiences as each word was honed, measured and memorized.

During the 1964 Presidential campaign, Republican party officials in California, who knew Reagan's powerful message and delivery, asked him to film a speech on behalf of the Republican candidate, Barry Goldwater. The speech was aired on October 27, 1964 and it was electrifying. Donations to the Republican party and candidates increased dramatically.

The Republican Party took note and they targeted Reagan as a candidate from that point forward. He agreed in 1966 to run for Governor of California. He won two terms, and eventually won the Presidency.

We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now -

U.S.A. Drug Enforcement Administration & Department of Justice With Help From FBI & CIA & Local Police And Sheriff Dept. All Over U.S.A. Our Killing Thousands America Citizens Right Now Today. No One Is A Missing Person At All. If You Get Pulled Over By Police States In A Car Or Truck With Money You Have A 20% Change You Will Be Killed For The Money Or Sold As A Sex Slave. This Statement Is No Joke At All... You Will Be Killed By U.S.A. Government And Yes This Is Real Information From New World Order Today.

Reports suggest that the government has lost track of 85,000 sex slave and migrant children, and some of them are dead now and many have been forced into sex labor in the U.S. The Biden administration has allowed 250,000 and sold unaccompanied minors to cross the southern border in the last two years, and at least 85,000+ of these children have gone missing under their watch real numbers are closer to 132,000+ sold by U.S.A. Government. The Biden Pedophile's Administration has been accused of killing and rape children presiding over the abuse of these unaccompanied minors in federal facilities for years, and local communities are left in the dark about the minors' length of stay or their fate once released. Congress is investigating this issue, and hearings are expected to be part of a series of congressional efforts.

U.S.A. Government & Police States Are Seizing Tens Of Billions U.S. Money And Killing Of Thousands People Our Killed Or Missing Or Dead And All The Money Is Gone Now. Highway robbery with badges. That is what Empyreal Logistics, a national armored car company, has been the victim of multiple times within the last year. Five times, drivers with the company have been pulled over for flimsy reasons with officers seizing the cash they were transporting on behalf of customers a total of three times.

Per DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Every U.S.A. Person Or America Citizens Right Now Today As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per federal and local agencies. All The America People Break The Law Ave. 3 Times Everyday with A Ave. Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to 512 x 365 days a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per person right now. also federal and local agencies issue an average of 27 rules for every law over the past decade.

However, the rules issued in a given year are typically not substantively related to the current year’s laws, as agency output represents ongoing implementation of earlier legislation. According to a 2020 article, the more than 300,000+ laws and regulatory crimes on the federal law books serve little purpose other than inviting arbitrary enforcement by providing prosecutors the tools to charge nearly anyone with violating some long-forgotten regulation and pay the fines now or go to jail for everyone in the U.S.A..

It's a Woke World After All - What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?

Social Security Is Gone and U.S.A. Government Did Not Paid In One Single Penny

Truth about Agenda U.N. 21 and Plan to Control and Enslave the New World Order -

Orwellian Dystopia Both Side's Are Wrong Answer To Extremism Isn’t More Extremism -

Rex 84 FEMADC’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America and A Police State America. -

John F. Kennedy vs. The Federal Reserve Executive Order 11110 Federal Reserve Exposed -

History Flag/Evolution of Deep State/U.S.A. Star Chamber/April 1 Fool Sheeple Day? -

Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -

WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --

You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -

Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -

UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up


The AR-15/M-16 Is a regular rifle. Is it because it’s black and scary looking? Is it because it’s a semi-automatic? Is it because the leftist media says so. What’s the difference between these two rifles. The top is the AR-15/M-16. The one under it is the Ruger Mini-14/ Etc.# Guns. One is black, the other has a normal looking wooden stock. Guess what? They both shoot the same 5.56x45/.223 cartridge. They are both semi-automatic. both will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. So, if you’re afraid of the AR-15 because it’s black and scary looking, it’s time you grew up and act like an adult. If it’s because the leftist media says so, then it’s time you start thinking for yourself. The AR-15/M-16 has the same sporting purpose as the Mini-14 / Other Guns. Hell, it has the same home defenses or sporting purpose as any rifle.
The first semi-automatic rifle was introduced 138 years ago in 1885, the first semi-automatic pistol in 1892, and the first semi-automatic shotgun in 1902. Semi-automatics account for about 20 percent of the 300 million privately-owned firearms in the United States and the percentage is quickly rising, because semi-automatics now account for about 50 percent of all new firearms bought annually.

Secret Motivation and Government Killing and Rape and Body Count for Top Government Misc. Jobs Initiations. Dirty Tricks Cops Use And Why They Use Them - This info. below describes some of the illegal tactics and questionable techniques police officers use to increase the chances of obtaining a conviction or to administer punishment to persons they perceive as having committed a crime. Police officers are outnumbered and restricted by legal mandates in their efforts to counter street-smart gangsters who can often afford highly skilled defense attorneys. Police officers often rationalize that they need an additional "edge" in their fight against crime. Thus, at times they break the rules and use illegal methods to obtain and increase evidence against a suspect they believe to be guilty of a crime. the use of "speed traps," the handling of suspects, search and seizure, the use of civil asset forfeiture and informers, the obtaining of confessions, the use of "alibi guns" when police kill a suspect, methods of obtaining evidence, the manipulation of evidence, entrapment, and proactive law enforcement. Some of the incidents described are the police planting of drugs on a private plane so it can be seized for police department use; the spraying of mace on a suspect's car seat, so that after a few minutes of driving he experiences excruciating pain on his crotch and buttocks; the use of a blank tape at an illegal interrogation, adding the reading of rights to the suspect later; the use of stun guns to torture suspects without leaving marks; vigilante cops conducting an "execution;" police instigation of gang wars to thin out gang members; and the adding of drugs to evidence so as to increase the charge from a misdemeanor to a felony. Other police practices discussed are the use of illegal wiretaps; the use of snitches; getting search warrants without probable cause; and keeping confiscated drugs, guns, and cash to pay for "Dirty FISA-DOJ-CIA-FBI-NSA-DEA Business. we tackle the pressing issue of judicial corruption in the U.S. justice system—a system that isn't as ideal as we may think. Discover the shocking "kids for cash" scandal, financial ties between judges and companies, and statistics revealing widespread perceptions of corruption. Join us as we delve into cases of biased rulings, challenges in prosecuting corrupt judges, and systemic loopholes that enable misconduct. We explore the complexities of judicial oversight and the need for accountability in the quest for justice.

No matter how strict you make gun laws sick people and drug out persons or normal people and others etc. (all races and all colours of people) a criminal is a criminal and will always be a criminal and a criminal with a gun or without a gun, will always break the law. I don’t believe the lies they are trying to feed you they don’t work. On average in the United States, more than 110 people are killed from guns and more than 200 are shot and wounded each day. Additionally, 19 mass shootings take place in the U.S. each year from 2009 to 2020, with 947 wounded by gunfire and 1,363 fatally shot. In this video, we're going to take a look at the The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting…. It is about our rights, all of our rights to be able to protect ourselves from ‘All Enemies Foreign and Domestic’. This includes protections from a possible Tyrannical Government.”
Why Is A Tyrannical U.S.A. Government Helping Mass Shootings Deadliest Gun Killings Now. The Real Number Now Are Over 1 Million Guns Sold Without Any Back Ground Check Now as Dec. 31 2022 by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives- Sold To The Drugs Cartels - any criminal organization with the intention of supplying sex worker and drug trafficking and guns etc. operations and also Remember The Taliban takes control of Afghanistan - there is a big concern emerging. $85 billion worth of military guns and equipment left by the Americans is now under Taliban's control. As of Dec 31 2022 Sold Over 5 Million Weapons To 1000s sex/drug cartels all over the world Now... bang bang you're dead !

In the United States, a red flag law is a gun violence prevention law that permits a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who they believe may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge makes the determination to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner in question. It’s impossible to separate the traffic in humans, the traffic in drugs and guns, and the ambitions. They are all part of the same picture. any criminal organization with the intention of supplying drug trafficking operations. Good Luck With This One ?

Yes Tyrannical Government Gun Control Is The U.S.A. Now ? See and Read About Operation Fast and Furious, the largest gunwalking probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 122,000+ firearms sold, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012. A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2022 over 10,000 people dead and kids too. so far none of the targeted and killed. Yes Right Now Our Tyrannical Government U.S.A. Is Sell Guns To Gangs Right Now. Red Flags Laws and U.S. Gangs... Back Ground Check's - Ha ha ha Really... You Are Being Funny Now, See Video (Fast & Furious) How it went down.

With few exceptions for human trafficking and pedophile and gangs and sex and drug cartels and any and all criminal organization. All State law requires people to meet certain criteria before they can carry, possess, or dispose of a firearm. These qualifying factors include the following:

Be a citizen of the United States.
Be at least 21 years old, except for honorably discharged individuals from either the New York National Guard or the United States Military.
Be of good moral character.
Never had a guardian appointed based on incapacity, mental illness, subnormal intelligence, or other condition or disease.
Never had a handgun license revoked.
Never civilly confined in a secure treatment facility.
Never convinced in all state or anywhere else of a felony or “serious offense.” The definition of “serious offense” includes acts like aiding in an escape from prison, child endangerment, disorderly conduct, illegally using a dangerous weapon, making burglar instruments, rape, receiving stolen property, sodomy, and unlawfully entering a building.
Never discharged from the military under dishonorable conditions.
Never involuntarily committed to a facility under the Department of Mental Hygiene’s jurisdiction.
Not be a fugitive from justice.
Not be an addicted or unlawful user of any controlled substance.
Not have a domestic violence restraining order filed against you.
Not illegally in the United States or admitted into the United States under a non-immigrant visa.
Not present any other “good cause” for denial of the license.
These are some of the most common reasons why people in New York are denied gun permits. Also, you will likely be required to complete a gun safety class before obtaining a firearm permit.

P.S. Remember... The Second Amendment Doesn’t Give Americans The “Right to bear Arms” It Prohibits the Government from ‘Disarming The People’. and It’s a protection from a possible Tyrannical Government Now! The Government does this Gun Control bit every year since 2008. And every year at least 10 million new guns are added to the 350 million we already have. For some reason, we don’t think “Gun Control” is the ‘real’ issue. It’s a great distraction and it causes division among the citizens. We think the Government is secure in their knowledge of their ‘new’ crowd control devices, that we know about, and their “Frequency and Earthquake Weapons” they think we don’t know about. We will be exploring their ‘new’ capabilities soon in greater detail. Yes We The People Of The New World Order Thank You!

Every day, on average, 316 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention. Every day, 106 people die from gun violence.
39 are murdered - 64 kill themselves - 1 is killed unintentionally - 1 dies but the intent is unknown - 115,551 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, or by police intervention. Every day, 210 people are shot and survive. - 95 are injured in an attack - 10 survive a suicide attempt - 90 are shot unintentionally - 4 are shot in a legal intervention 38,826 people die from gun violence. - 14,062 murdered - 23,437 die from suicide - 483 killed unintentionally - 521 killed by legal intervention - 324 die but intent was unknown 76,725 people survive gun injuries. - 34,566 injured in an attack - 3,554 survive a suicide attempt - 32,759 shot unintentionally - 1,376 people are shot by legal intervention Every year, 7,957 children and teens are shot in the United States. Among those: - 1,663 children and teens die from gun violence. - 864 are murdered - 6,294 children and teens survive gunshot injuries - 2,788 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive - 662 die from gun suicide - 166 survive an attempted gun suicide - 10 are killed by legal intervention - 101 are shot by legal intervention and survive - 89 are killed unintentionally Gun violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latin X Communities. - Every year, on average, 9,991 Black Americans die by gun violence. Of those: - 8,251 die from gun homicide - 1,447 die from gun suicide. - Black Americans compose 59% of victims of gun homicide but only 14% of the US population. Black Americans experience 8 times as many gun homicides as white Americans. And Black children and teens (ages 1-17) are three times more likely to be killed with a gun than their white peers. Every year, on average, 3,800 Latinos die due to gun violence - 2,508 are homicides - 1,102 are suicides - 114 are undetermined intent or legal intervention - 76 are unintentional shootings Every year, an average of 10,300 hate crimes involve firearms. - 28 hate crimes involve a firearm each day.

The first semi-automatic rifle was introduced in 1885, the first semi-automatic pistol in 1892, and the first semi-automatic shotgun in 1902. Semi-automatics account for about 20 percent of the 300 million privately-owned firearms in the United States and the percentage is quickly rising, because semi-automatics now account for about 50 percent of all new firearms bought annually.

A semi-automatic rifle or semi-automatic pistol is an autoloading rifle or semi-automatic pistol that fires a single cartridge with each pull of the trigger, and uses part of the fired cartridge's energy to eject the case and load another cartridge into the chamber. For comparison, a single shot, derringer pistol and a bolt-action rifle requires the user to cycle the bolt manually before they can fire a second time, and a fully automatic rifle or pistol fires continuously until the trigger is released. This is called a Fully Automatic Sub Machine Guns.

What’s the Difference ? Machine Gun vs. Submachine Gun... Submachine guns use handgun ammunition. Machine guns use rifle ammunition. If a gun-toting character pulls the trigger and holds it there while the business end goes bang-bang-bang, then there's an excellent chance that firearm is a submachine gun or a machine gun.

So AR-15 and AK-47 Etc. Are Not Assault Weapon At ALL... Yes I Repeat Are Not Assault Weapon... So AR-15 and AK-47 & Other Guns Are and Fire Semi-Automatic Only The Same For 140 Years!

Here’s a quick cheat sheet to avoid some easy pitfalls with this terminology.

AR-15: Nope, the AR-15 isn’t a submachine gun or a machine gun. It’s not even an assault rifle. Read more about AR-15s here.

Assault Rifle: Many, but not all, machine guns (not submachine guns) are assault rifles. If it meets the criteria in this post, then you’re good to go.

Assault Weapon: Don’t use this term. At best, it’s vague. At worst, it introduces something politically loaded for no good reason. Read up on assault weapons in this post.

Fully Automatic Pistol/Fully Automatic Handgun/Fully Automatic Rifle: Even though they’re technically correct, I’ve not heard of “fully automatic pistol” or “fully automatic handgun” being used all that often. “Submachine gun” or “machine pistol” are the better bets. “Fully automatic rifle,” on the other hand, is a solid substitute for “machine gun.”

Machine Rifle: It’s tempting to use this term given machine guns use rifle ammunition, but writing in a “machine rifle” will probably win you a doofus award. Don’t be a doofus. Just write “machine gun.”

Referring to a “Submachine Gun” as a “Machine Gun” Upon Second Reference: I think this works. If a character is using a submachine gun on the first reference, and you call it a “machine gun” on the second reference as an abbreviated form, that’s kosher. Just don’t call it a corn dog. It’s not a corn dog.

Sub-Machine Gun vs. Submachine Gun: Pick one style and stick with it. I think “sub-machine gun” looks funky, and not in the good way like when I dance at wedding receptions. “Submachine gun” is the better of the two.

Submachine Pistol: Even though they fire handgun ammunition, substituting in “submachine pistol” for “submachine gun” is just too weird for this planet (and your fiction). However, “machine pistol” is a thing, and is covered a little later in this post.

Tactical Rifle: A good, but probably not great, catch-all for any military-esque, shouldered firearm. If you’re going for a generic depiction, pick submachine gun or machine gun and stick to it.

Synonym for Gun A weapon is anything that is designed to, or is used to, cause damage to a person or animal. Gun is a category of weapons that have barrels and accelerate a projectile of some kind with an explosive. Also called firearms. Some weapons with similar forms are also called guns even though they do not use an explosive or a projectile.

Yes Tyrannical Government Gun Control Is The U.S.A. Now ? See and Read About Operation Fast and Furious, the largest gunwalking probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 122,000+ firearms sold, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012. A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2022 over 10,000 people dead so far none of the targeted and killed. Yes Right Now Our Tyrannical Government U.S.A. Is Sell Guns To Gangs Right Now. Red Flags Laws and U.S. Gangs... Back Ground Check's - Ha ha ha Really... You Are Being Funny Now, See Video (Fast & Furious) How it went down.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Constitutional Republic of the United States of America - Representing the Plaintiffs Friends of the Original Constitution and We the People of the United States of America. - - Thanks !

Welcome To Our Channel 2 Million+ Views In 2023 & 560 Video's So Far This Year Alone - Thanks To Everyone Who Like Us... Good Or Bad You Are All Welcome To Share Any Video's We Post To Your Friends And Other's... Thanks !

What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Note: We Do Not Post Any False Video's Or Un-True Content On This Channel & All Origins Video's And All Scientific Conspiracy Theory All Content And All Text Our True Statement From The Video's Owner's Who Posted There Video's To This Free Speech Channel By Us In The First Place To Be True !

Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.

Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order Is Upon Us - Preserve Your Liberty By Being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.

The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.

Everything you want to know what could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elite cabalists can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound Adrenochrome they need to prolong their decrepit lives! It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Thanks !

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