The Corn and Avocado Secret!

2 years ago

Save and share this short to make sure you try it!🙌🏼

Fresh raw corn on the cob with avocado rubbed all over it, a match made in Heaven❤️

Fresh picked corn, ideally eaten within 0-6 days of being picked, is really sweet, delicious, satisfying and easy to digest🥰

After that the simple sugars set and convert to starch making it less tasty and much harder to digest🥵

I’ve had many meals of corn with a avo as the main or a few as a side dish, seriously you will be blown away if you give this a try!🥰

A extra tidbit, I prefer organic but will also get conventional local fresh corn…😱
Before you freak out because you have heard that conventional corn is GMO I gotta drop some knowledge on that! The vast majority of GMO corn is fed to animals and isn’t even palatable nor sold for human consumption, rather it’s used for processed “foods” and ethanol! There are some sweet corn varieties that are GMO but they are quite uncommon, Imho always best to get corn from farmers markets to get it as fresh as possible and to ask them directly if it’s GMO🙌🏼

💥PS Get over 100 FREE raw recipes, my food combining chart, an add to shopping cart function to make easy shopping lists and more in my FREE Raw Recipe App 👉 🥰

#corn #mocorn #rawcorn #cornlover #rawfood #rawvegan #rawlife

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