TOP Countries by IQ

1 year ago

This video shows the Top 50 countries/territories by average intelligence quotient (IQ).

Score 90 to 109 is the 50 % percentile.

IQ classifications:

180- Genius <0.01%
160-179 Almost genius 0.01%
145-159 Very gifted 0.1%
130-144 Gifted 2.3%
120-129 Moderately gifted 6.7%
110-119 Above average 16.1%
90-109 Average intelligence 50.0%
85-89 Below average 16.1%
70-84 Borderline intellectual functioning 2.3%
50-69 Mild intellectual disability 2.3%
35-49 Moderate intellectual disability 1.0%
20-34 Severe intellectual disability 0.5%
-20 Profound intellectual disability <0.1%

Sources: Hunt, Earl. Human Intelligence. Cambridge University Press, HBEA Statement on National IQ Datasets, European Human Behaviour, Marks, David. “IQ Variations across Time, Race, and Nationality”, International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR).

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