Stay focused on what you need right now

6 months ago

Too often we are pushed, harassed, bossed around when it comes to decisions and we don't have time to tune into our instincts and intuition which is subtle and difficult to discern above all the noise of the world, negative messages from media everywhere and over-stimulation. The energy field is subtle. Animals, plants, the elements are sensitive to it. But centuries of colonialisation has diminished our capacity to tune ourselves to the natural world and the universe's environment of cosmic energies on earth which gives us direct access to the voice of our own Soul; Godforce inhabiting our humanity.

To be ready for what we work for, dream of, aspire to and want to achieve in and for our world, the best place to start is always what feels needful to support ourselves emotionally right now. Our instincts and intuitive abilities spike as soon as we begin practising self-care and presence.

Looking after your emotional needs right now, is the best way to prepare yourself for what is necessary and needful for your future.

My name is Chantal Eva. I am one of 3 thousand descendants of King Puni of Bora Bora. I am currently finishing my book on presence, spirituality and the law of attraction. If you want to see more of my work check out @thephysicsofmiracles on Youtube and Instagram. Thankyou for being here!

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