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Don’t Say It’s Over

1 year ago

“King of the Jews”
“The Prince of Peace”

Jesus, who was disgusted with the puppet priests that Rome foisted upon their Jewish subjects, tried to teach as many as would listen to him, about the One God. His teachings are the foundation of Christianity.
He said, “No one comes to the Father, but through me.” A very Jesus way to say, “Listen to me about God, I know what I’m talking about!”
Jesus taught that God is a loving God—forgiving, just, and eternal.
Needless to say, the Romans didn’t like that Jesus went against their puppet priesthood, so they crucified him.
As the Roman soldiers pounded nails through his hands, he was quoted as saying, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”
Christians were persecuted for the next 300 years. At the Council of Milan in 313CE, the Roman Emperor Constantine, decreed it illegal to persecute Christians any longer, and he became the first Christian Roman emperor.
Pope Julius 1, is responsible for designation of the holy Christian celebration dates (i.e. Christmas).
Arius and Athanasius, were both early Christian theologians, and Athanasius beliefs were trinitarian (Father/Son/Holy Spirit). Athanasius heavily influenced which early Christian books were to be discarded, and not considered for canonization. (Some of what was disposed of in the early Christian writings, can be found in the Nag Hammadi library of ancient books, discovered in 1945.)
When the bishops were finally in agreement on how to proceed with their understanding of Christianity, it became the “Universal” religion of the Roman Empire, or—Catholic.
Other forms of Christianity exist today, as well.
Thank you Jesus, for giving your life, so we may understand God.
Find Peace.
Find Love.
Find God.

Music composed, played and recorded by Reid Anderson

Video filmed by Pexels contributors.

Video edited by Reid Anderson

© 1995 Reid Anderson

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